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The third POLITICAL force gathers momentum IN SEYCHELLES

The third POLITICAL force gathers momentum IN SEYCHELLES

 Barry Laine FCIM, FInst SMM, MCMI, MBSCH recently published an article on the need for a Third Political Force on a local newspaper in Seychelles and forwarded it for publication.

Seychelles saw a hard fought Presidential election late last year which has left a very divided country.







aTP-  Arab tourism portal-  Barry Laine writes:-  The idea of a Third Force is gathering momentum. It is the coming together of the strays, the stragglers, the disappointed intelligencia, the housewives, people on the street and the unhappy people who are sick and tired of the two extremes taking our country into a never ending and spiral turmoil.


A Third Force came into existence in Canada, South Africa, United States, France, Hong Kong, Northern Ireland, Myanmar and many other countries like the Ukraine, Malaysia and UK.


 In each country the Third Force appeared following a wish by a small group of people, realising that the two extremes of politics are killing their respective nation so they put their heads together to seek a better future for themselves and their children.


 In Seychelles the idea is gathering momentum because it is based on a culture of helping others rather than helping one self. It is a  humanitarian approach to politics and the idea motivates people who are tired of being led by a handful of people who have become rich as a result of their activities while they rely on the poor to keep them in their ivory towers. 


In the 2015 elections in Seychelles we have witnessed all manner of shenanigans from both extremes of politics that it makes one wonder whether there can be a middle ground, a safe place to hold our private views without intimidation and victimisation.


The recent court cases challenging the results of the 2015 elections have ingrained in many of us how weak the Judiciary is and how people with too much centralised power can turn events into their favour.


 It was with awe that some of us witnessed in amazement and disbelief of how some prominent and respected members of our society cast their dignity aside in court when they admitted the misdemeanours they engaged in to keep the two extremes of politics alive.


They showed us that despite their acquired wealth and external appearance deep inside they are prepared to compromise their dignity for more material acquisition and it makes one wonder how much wealth one person can carry to the after life.


Some concerned people in Seychelles have now come to the conclusion that there must be a Third Option, a Moderate Option, a People Option, a Peaceful Option, you choose the words you want to use but at the end of the day it is a Third Force that some of us are looking for and we ask you to join us in this endeavour.


Ask yourself these questions. How long can we allow the world to continue to laugh at us? We found a legal way to put one person in opposition in our Parliament and now this one man band has flown the cookoo’s nest leaving a group of dissatisfied and rejected followers who gave their support in good faith.


How long can we allow the two extremes to dominate our life and those of our future generations? We have had 40 years of one party mentality of which one year was democratic and 39 years autocratic and now these people want us to continue to support their accumulation of wealth while 40% of our nation lives below the poverty line. The time has come for all good men and women to join a new movement and create the Third Force. We desperately need moderation, peace, happiness and harmony in our beloved country.


The time has also come for equality and legality to prevail because right now we live in a country of favours which means you scratch my back and I will scratch yours and not on merits and hard work. Corruptions rule the waves as drugs are shipped in to kill our young people and teenage girls sell themselves to feed their babies, come one we cannot go on with this way of life.


The Third Force will create equal opportunities for all. Our laws will be made more applicable to our way of life, we will call for a referendum as soon as possible and let the people decide their future.


The Third Force will disseminate the idea of shared values just like Seychelles used to be in the old days. You work you get paid, you sit on your arse you get nothing. The Third Force will create a voting system where there will be no ambiguities for the lawyers to play around with the meaning of certain words in the English Language.


The Third Force will promote religious harmony and inclusivity; all of us are born with no religions in our mind. We make our choice as we grow up and no one religion is better than the other. The same thing applies to sexual bias. Every person has the right to enjoy sex in whatever way pleases that person. No one has the right to look down on the LGBT (lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender) community.


It is either a choice or the force of nature that makes people who they are and how they choose to live their life. The Third Force will create a level playing field for all of us as we live our lives in peace and harmony in paradise. Join us and let us create this powerful Third Force because together we are strong but divided we live on crumbs from other people’s table.


In Seychelles we have the rich and the poor; we do not have a middle class society consisting of the professionals like nurses, engineers, doctors, carers, mechanics, religious leaders etc.



These are the people who do the work; who make things happen, who do not have shares in the money making companies and yet we are the engine of Seychelles, so please stop exploiting us and our resources. Let us create a Third Force to protect our well being and our future generation. There is still time to do it, so let’s do it.






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