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UN Day 2013 celebrated as the world observed more connection and unity

 UN Day 2013 celebrated as the world observed more connection and unity

Almasalla Travel News – By Ashraf El gedawy – Celebrated every year on 24 October, United Nations Day highlights the work and objectives of the United Nations and its specialized agencies all over the world. UNWTO is the only UN agency with its headquarters in Spain and took part in the official celebrations hosted in the Madrid Town Hall and chaired by the Mayor of Madrid, Ana Botella, and the Minster of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain, José Manuel García-Margallo.
UN Day marks the anniversary of the UN Charter´s entry into force in 1945. With the ratification of this founding document, the United Nations was officially formed.
In his official 2013 UN Day address, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said, “This year again, we saw the United Nations come together on armed conflict, human rights, the environment and many other issues. We continue to show what collective action can do. We can do even more. In a world that is more connected, we must be more united. On United Nations Day, let us pledge to live up to our founding ideals and work together for peace, development and human rights.”
The mayor of Madrid, Ana Botella underscored the commitmment of the City towards the UN and its work and highlighted the relevance of hosting UNWTO as the only UN agency headquartered in Spain as a clear sign of the capital towards the broader UN agenda. “Cities are models of democracy, diversity and multicultural living, drawing tourists from all over the world. Madrid has been fortunate for hosting UNWTO since 1975. Tourism is a key activity and the best ambassador of Madrid.”
“Global problems require global solutions”, said Minister José Manuel García-Margallo in closing the celebration. “Multilateralism is no longer an option but an unavoidable commitment. The United Nations stand as the centre of multilateralism and the context where we find global answers we are seeking”, he added.
Taleb RifaiUNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai said “Today we honor the unifying spirit, the vast potential of nations gathering together to work towards a common goal and vision of a better world. As we work to build peace, ensure respect for human rights and promote a fairer society with equal opportunities for all, we should never forget that the United Nations is the unity of all nations and that building a better world it indeed the responsibility of each nation, of each and every one of us.”
Source : UNWTO

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