Which travel companies have got their online strategy sorted?
Almasalla Travel News -Ashraf El gedawy – Travelsupermarket.com remains the most visible website, having been seen by at least 53% of the 4.4 million people who searched for holidays online in May.
The latest Greenlight survey into the holiday sector found 21% of those using computers to find a holiday were searching for short-haul destinations while 19% were looking to travel longhaul. Just over half of the searches were for generic terms, such as ‘holidays’.
The results were similar for those using mobile devices to find a holiday. In total, 881,536 searches for holidays were made on smartphones and tablets.
Over the past 12 months, the majority of holiday searches on desktops and laptops were in June 2012, with queries dropping steadily month by month until December 2012 when they rose sharply. Searches then remained steady from January to May.
However, on mobile devices searches remained at roughly the same level from June to December when they peaked, before dropping back slightly.
Travelsupermarket.com was the most visible website for holiday searches on computers, where it achieved a 53% share of voice having ranked for 1,144 keywords including the search terms ‘cheap UK holidays’ and ‘cheap all inclusive holidays’. It was also ranked number one for searches on mobile devices, where it gained a 68% share of voice.
Thomascook.com was the second most visible website on both computers and mobiles, followed by Thomson.co.uk.
Also in the top 10 for both were lastminute.com, lowcostholidays, firstchoice.co.uk, telextexthoildays.co.uk, holidayhypermarket.co.uk, icelolly.com and expedia.co.uk.