Early success of the 55th International Art Exhibition of the Biennale di Venezia
Almasalla Travel News – The International Art Exhibition at the Venice Biennale, which opened June 1, got off to a positive start. In the first weekend – including the opening of the Encyclopedic Palace, the International Exhibition of Visual Arts and the foreign pavilions – the capital of Veneto received more than 4,000 people.
The Exhibition of Visual Arts, in particular, aims to collect an amount at least equal to investment support for its realization: 13 million euro net of the contribution of public funding. Paolo Baratta, President of the Biennale, has already announced that receipts between sponsors and proceeds is estimated at about 11.9 million euro, raising a great expectation.
The real benefit to Venice, however, derives mainly from the considerable spill-overs from the show: the hotel, as noted by the Director of Venetian hoteliers, Claudio Scarpa, has been sold out since May 28, and at high-season price. In the coming days, the prices will fall, but the number of bookings remains high.
In addition, shops and the catering industry, even the company of the ACTV public transport, has benefited from the Biennale: the company has pulled in a breath of fresh air this year, after having received in 2012, as many as 8 million euro less from tourist ticketing.
Marcello Panettone, President of AVM, the holding company of Venetian mobility, said: "The budget is definitely very good with a significant increase in tourist ticketing this week, thanks to the many ticket selling points in the city that we have managed to create in accordance with Alilaguna, in order to avoid queues. Even in terms of additional transport services, we have done the most to try to hold the best tourist additional impact caused by the Biennale."
Even related services have benefited from the opening weekend of the Biennale. Taxis are practically impossible to find, and the prices are high, also bringing excellent business for those who have rented buildings or public spaces for exhibitions. This bliss will end in the fall at the end of the Biennale.
The Vatican City-Pontificium Consilium de Cultura: The Holy See Pavilion
The world of art and culture welcomes a new event at this year’s Venice Biennale. For the first time, the Holy See will also be represented in the pavilions of the international art exhibition. This decision is a confirmation of the significance of the Biennale at a platform for exchange and dialogue, said Cardinal G.Ravasi at the press conference of presentation at the Vatican City.
The Pontifical Council for Culture holds contemporary art at the heart of its interest, for it is one of the most important cultural expressions of recent decades. The council is promoting the Holy See’s very first participation in the Biennale Arte, a project that is not only extraordinarily innovative, but also responds to its own objectives, that is instituting and promoting occasions of dialogue within an ever broader and diversified context.
For this first occasion, a theme that is fundamental for culture and for church tradition was chosen – “The story told in the Book of Genesis.” Specifically, the first eleven chapters have been chosen as they are dedicated to the mystery of man’s origins, the introduction of evil into history, and the hope and future projects after the devastation symbolically represented by the Flood. The three thematic area being chosen with which the artists have engaged are Creazione (Creation), De-Creazione (Uncreation), and the New Man or Ri-Creazione (Recreation).
The exhibited works include Another life by Lawrence Carroll (Australian), De-Creation by JosefKoudelka(Czek Republic), In Principio (8e poi) by Studio Azzurro (Milan).
Turkey Pavilion
The Pavilion of Turkey at the 55th International Art Exhibition at the Venice Biennale will present the new video project of the artist Ali Kazma (Istanbul, 1971) entitled “Resistance.” In this new video series, the artist aims on the one hand to explore the methodologies to regulate and control the human body, and on the other hand to investigate the latter as a product of interventions, processes, and technologies designed to resist and, if possible, bypass the rules and limits of society, culture, physics, and genetics.
It is a multi-channel video installation, a result of shooting that lasted for about a year, including a set of a film in Paris, a prison in the Turkish region of Sakarya, a school and a hospital surgery room in Istanbul at a university in Berlin, a laboratory for medical research in Lausanne, a tattoo studio in London, and a theatre in New York.
Mexico’s Magical Echoes at the Venice Biennale
Αriel Guzik’s latest invention, Cordiox, is Mexico’s centerpiece at the 2013 Venice Biennale, one that brilliantly utilizes the country’s National Pavilion at the former Church of San Lorenzo to create a singular sound space. Synthesizing music, physics, biology, and mathematics, this artfully complex sonic machine captures the visitor’s presence, creating an impromptu soundtrack for the mind and soul that will be hard to match. For the 55th annual Venice Biennale, Mexico will show at its new National Pavilion in the former Church of San Lorenzo, in San Lorenzo campo.
Source : e turbo news