Opening doors for Seychelles tourism private sector funding
Almasalla Travel News – Ashraf Elgedawy – The Seychelles tourism private sector will soon get a boost in their development with new funding options. An invitation has been extended to the “Agence Francaise de Developpement" (AFD) by Seychelles Tourism&Culture Minister Alain St.Ange who met with the agency’s Julie Couriaut in St. Denis, during his recent visit to the Vanilla Island of Reunion Island.
After discussing the proposal with Mr. Louis D’Offay, the Chairman of Seychelles Hospitality&Tourism Association, Minister St.Ange proposed that a member of the agency pays a visit to Seychelles to address the country’s Hospitality&Tourism Association’s annual general meeting to highlight the various funding options that the local stakeholders can avail to in order to further consolidate their product offerings.
“Agence Française de Developpement” (AFD) is a financial institution and the main implementing agency for France’s official development assistance to developing countries and overseas territories. It finances projects, programs, and studies through grants, loans, guarantee funds, and debt reduction-development contracts, and provides capacity development support to its partners in developing countries.
A convention for a loan of 10 million euros was signed on November 26, 2012 in Victoria between the AFD and the Seychelles government.