Airline passenger group commends TSA for keeping knives off planes
Almasalla Travel News – Paul Hudson, President of FlyersRights.org expressed "relief" that the TSA today announced it was shelving not just postponing its announced rule change allowing passengers to carry knives up to 6 centimeters on airliners.
FlyersRight.org, the largest airline passenger organization, had filed a legal petition in opposition with the Flight Attendants and other unions, spoke out against it on numerous occasions, and submitted written testimony at an April 11th hearing by the House Subcommittee on Transportation Security.
Hudson noted, "This shows that when air traveler organizations unite and work together, a crazy and dangerous TSA policy like this knife policy, secretly lobbied for by the American Knife & Tool Institute and then promulgated in a surprise announcement by TSA Administrator John Pistole with no stakeholder input on March 5th, could be and was properly defeated. Hopefully, the TSA has learned the lesson that transportation security policies affecting many millions of air travelers need to be fully vetted with all stakeholders, not made just on internal deliberations and secret lobbying by those with special financial interests or insider connections.
This is the third time that the TSA has had to reverse a major security policy decision in the past several years."