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Seychelles Minister meets press on the side lines on World Tourism Forum in Lucerne Switzerland

Seychelles Minister meets press on the side lines on World Tourism Forum in Lucerne Switzerland


Cairo " Almasalla Travel News – Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture has addressed the press on the sidelines of the 2013 World Tourism Forum in Lucerne Switzerland.


Minister St.Ange started his brief to the press by stating that he wanted to place on record his congratulations for the organization behind the 2013 World tourism Forum and in particular for Prof Martin Barth, the General Manager and Mr Reto Wittwer, the Chairman of the Advisory Board of the World Tourism Organisation Lucerne.


“No organization of this level would be possible if the Team standing behind it is not solid. Prof Martin Barth has been exemplary and he needs to be congratulated.


Mr Reto Wittwer who is also the President and CEO of the Kempinski Hotels has given his time and energy to stand with the tourism world and to support the work of the World Tourism Forum Lucerne needs to be thanked.


Together and with their Team as a whole they have done the industry proud” the Seychelles Minister said.


When questioned about the value of this event the Minister from Seychelles , Mr Alain St.Ange said that tourism is a people’s industry and it is important for those involved and those able to make a difference for the industry to meet, to share ideas, and to inspire the way forward.


The Seychelles Minister also said that he wanted to compliment the staging of Tourism Think Tank meeting which was beneficial to all those present, and which should bear fruit for the world of tourism. 


Minister Alain St.Ange then went on to spell what he called latest news from Seychelles itself.


“We are here because for our tropical paradise islands tourism remains the pillar of our economy.


This is important to state right from the start because Seychelles is present here because we want to play our part to ensure that tourism remains an industry and not just an activity. In Seychelles tourism planning remains on our strategic priority list because of the importance of tourism for our islands.


We work hard to ensure we remain a relevant tourism destination and this we do by being involved in the Community of Nations as and when tourism is on the agenda.  We are and remain an active member of the UNWTO, of the ICTP (International Coalition of Tourism Partners), of the Indian Ocean Vanilla Islands,  and of the Tourism Bodies of Africa among others” Minister Alain St.Ange of the Seychelles said.


For the last three years the mid-ocean island of the Seychelles has seen its tourism industry move from stagnation to new heights.


The island’s President, Mr James Michel was at that time personally responsible for the portfolio of tourism in his Government and it was also the time when Seychelles took the bold step to open its airspace which paved the way for the arrival of Emirates, Etihad and Qatar airlines.


This decision was seen as key to the re-launch of the Seychelles tourism industry and a decision that set the base for the revival of the island’s tourism industry.


Alain St.Ange, the current Seychelles Minister for Tourism and Culture was recruited during that period by the President to head his Tourism Board. Mr St.Ange had been recommended for the position by the Seychelles Hospitality and Tourism Association.


President James Michel had also used that era to move Seychelles into the world of events and launched the Indian Ocean vanilla Islands annual carnival called the Carnaval International de Victoria.


“Today we are happy to report that our visitor arrival numbers are up 16% over the same period as last year.


We are visible as a tourism destination as never before. Our President, Mr James Michel has invited the People of Seychelles to get involved within their industry to claim back that industry that remains the pillar of the Seychelles economy when he ask Seychelles to stand behind the island’s tourism industry to ensure it is consolidated for the long term.


Seychelles has the best in sun, sea and sand holidays with a climate that has given us the name of the islands of perpetual summer, but that is not all, today we pride ourselves as having our rich culture as the base for the continued development of our tourism industry” Minister Alain St.Ange said to the press.


He went on to say “We are accessible as never before. We have more flights into Seychelles making us just one stop from anywhere.


We have facilities offering  first, business and economy tickets to Seychelles  and we have our bank of accommodation establishments offering the whole range possible making Seychelles accessible as never before” the Seychelles Minister said.


After a lengthy question and answer session the Seychelles Minister told the gathered press that he believes in the press community and knows that with their support sky was the limit for Seychelles.



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