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Africa’s East3Route Ministers of Tourism stand together in unity as they met in Durban

Africa’s East3Route Ministers of Tourism stand together in unity as they met in Durban







aTP-  Arab tourism portal- Africa’s EAST3ROUTE Ministers of Tourism :- Minister Michael Mabuyakhulu, the MEC for Economic Development, Tourism & Economic Affairs of KwaZulu Natal
South Africa, Minister Jabulani Clement Mabuza, the Minister for Tourism &
Environmental Affairs of the Kingdom of Swaziland, Minister Alain St.Ange.


the Minister for Tourism and Culture of the Seychelles, High Commissioner Paulino Jose Macaringue representing the Minister of Tourism of Mozambique
and Minister Sikhumbuzo Eric Kholwane, the MEC for Finance, Economic  Development and Tourism of Mpumalanga Province of South Africa stood together in a show of unity after their Durban meeting recently.


The Ministers meeting of the EAST3ROUTE Group now have five members namely KwaZulu Natal of South Africa, the Kingdom of Swaziland, Mozambique, Seychelles and Mpamalanga of South Africa. 


The East3Route program brings tourism to grass root level and strives to ensure that the people of member states see themselves in their country’s tourism industry.




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