Cairo "Almasalla Travel News "- Navies from the Community of Nations are being invited to be in Seychelles from 2nd to 4th March 2012 to echo a message of solidarity against the continued presence of Somali Pirates of the coast of Africa and the Gulf Countries.
The invitation is for Navy Ships from the Community of Nations to again be present at the Carnival in Seychelles and to parade together in the carnival procession as was done this year.
“It is a different way to send a message of unity against the piracy epidemic, but what a better way to send a message than to be seen as Navies from a United Community of Nation when the biggest contingent of world press will be present in Seychelles” Alain St.Ange, CEO of the Seychelles Tourism Board said
At the 2011 Carnival in Seychelles the Navies from Russia, India, France and Seychelles marched together in the Carnival procession behind carnival delegations from the best and most known carnivals such as those from Brazil, Noting Hill of the UK, Trinidad & Tobago and Italy and cultural groups from the rest of the world. The British Navy had also arrived in Seychelles to show its solidarity but was called for duty at sea and had to leave Port Victoria on Carnival Day.
How many Navies from the Community of Nations will be present in Seychelles from 2nd to 4th March 2012 and say to Somalia and the world that the piracy problem is one for the Community of Nations to tackle jointly?