Al Masalla-News- Official Tourism Travel Portal News At Middle East

Restaurateur Richelieu Verlaque welcomes Seychelles Vice President and Tourism Minister at Anse Lazio on Praslin

Restaurateur Richelieu Verlaque welcomes Seychelles Vice President and Tourism Minister  at Anse Lazio on Praslin







 aTP-  Arab tourism portal News- Richelieu Verlaque, the famous Bonbon Plume Anse Lazio restaurateur took the Seychelles Vice President, Mr Vincent Meriton and the island’s Tourism Minister Alain St.Ange through his plans to rebuild his ‘world renowned’ beachside restaurant.


Mr Verlaque does not own the property on which his famous beachside restaurant is today located and he has been working on new plans to have his facility relocated to his own property that is just adjacent to the existing restaurant. Mr Verlaque also explained to Vice President Meriton that he is planning for the future and was hoping to be able to maintain the beachside character of his existing facility as he builds his new property.





Vice President Vincent Meriton accompanied by Alain St.Ange, the Minister for Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine and Michael Benstrong, the Minister responsible for Agriculture and Fisheries were all on Praslin Island with their PSs and Heads of Departments to meet the Business Community of Praslin in what was seen as a first follow-up meeting from the one chaired by President Danny Faure just a week ago.




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