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Seychelles private sector expresses themselves after Inter Ministerial Cross Sector Held on Praslin

Seychelles private sector expresses themselves after Inter Ministerial Cross Sector Held on Praslin






aTP-  Arab tourism portal News- Responding to Praslin Business community for a inter ministerial cross sector to be held on Praslin regularly to address problems facing the Praslin business community, the Government of Seychelles, sent the Vice President ( designated as the minister of Inner Islands) to handle this request, and touch base in a Three (3) hour meeting at Raffles Hotel Conference Room, Anse Boudin, Praslin.

Vice President Waste No Time

The Vice President wasted no time, no small talk with the business community. It was a frank business setting,with all key issues open on the table, to brief him on his new portfolio, in details, that only the Praslinoise would have the stomach to digest.

World Bank Chain Analysis Report May 2016

The first key topic of discussion was the World Bank Chain Analysis Report filed by three World Bank experts on Vertical Integration in May, 2016. This Report focuses on how to best insure that each Tourism Dollar is distributed to as much of the cross sections of society as possible, and not bottle neck with Two (2) or Three (3) megladon operators.
The World Bank has been cited numerous times, saying that it is imperative, that Tourism revenue is spread across a wide cross section of the business community, and not confined to only a few accounts. This reduces risk for the macro economic picture of any country, insured political and social stability, guaranteed prosperity for a people, and increase the overall National Yield.

This Report was promised by the Minister of Finance Jean Paul Adam, but has been shelved, due to work pressures, of course, and changing ministries abruptly.

Praslin Fisherman Association Speaks Out!

The Praslin Fishermen Association longtime standing Chairman Mr. Darrel Green, expressed discontent on a number of issues that affect the Praslin Fishing Industry. These include: 1. Lack of adequate ice production, 2. Ice plant does not bag ice, hence does not store ice beyond 150 kilo capacity, 3. Demand is for 5000 kilo of ice stock, 4. 1000 kilo production per day, 4. Inadequate moorings, harassment by NDEA of fishermen, combined with disrespect, 5. Need for modern fish processing centers, hotels source fish on Mahe, which is unacceptable, when adequate quality and supply exist on Praslin. Generally, the points highlighted were address by the Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Benstrong, who has committed himself, to address these issues along with numerous others highlighted.

Boat Charter Address Vice President and Minister of Tourism

Adrian Uzice, a boat charter operator address numerous issues, of inadequate business available for 126 boats licenses on Praslin. A detail presentation was made, the Vice President promised his energy, commitment, to see what must be done to change this situation. In support, was the Minister of Tourism, Alain St. Ange, who for many years, has been working with the Tourism Trade, and remains highly regarded, in spite of efforts of some of his former SNP friends, insistence that he be run through the mill, when he has more serious matters to attend to like: make sure Tourist keep coming to Seychelles, make sure flights keep increasing, make sure our presence is made across the world on a shoestring budget.

Anyone that attacks St. Ange without serious cause, does not care if the People of Seychelles eat. So long as his attackers eat, and have access to their private swimming pools behind the Church, they are happy. People of Seychelles ask who is helping us, who is sinking us? We will unite on the answer.

Other Matters
The Vice a president was kind, cordial to all those present. He offered us a lunch, and we all had time for a meal, as civilised people, and we discussed further the issues we face, and the way forward.

We did not make jokes over serious issues, we did not tease each other, or have to laugh like a hyena by covering our face into our arm pits as some do, no names mentioned.

The agenda was well served, Praslin now has the focus it needs, and we expect this momentum to pick up on part of the energetic, engaging, humble, Vice President.
Once under way, we expect the economic potential of Praslin to be unleashed and Praslinoise on the way to a better life, which we deserve, since we are the highest per capita island, in spite, of all the set backs. ……..just imagine, where we would be today, if We had been encouraged to move forward, instead of been advise to stay backwards and silent.
Sesel Pou Seselwa!

All in Favor say ……."Yea" !

The " Yeas" have it!




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