New Book is launched on the history of a common past for Reunion & the Seychelles Islands of the Indian Ocean
aTP- Arab tourism portal News- Historical links and people to people connections remains the subject matter of a new book by Jehanne-Emmanuelle Monnier entitled "Reunion Island / Seychelles Islands …a history of brothers and of the sea" has been launched during the recent Festival Kreol 2016 taking place this week in Seychelles.
Jehanne-Emmanuelle Monnier is from Reunion Island and a Doctor of History from the Reunion University. She is said to be a passionate of the rich history of the Indian Ocean Region and her latest work is to help disseminate her findings.
Jehanne-Emmanuel Monnier and the Confrerie des Gens de la Mer of La Reunion worked together on this project and were in Seychelles as a group for the launch of her new book. This latest book highlights once again the close links between the two Indian Ocean islands .
During the Festival Mrs Monnier presented a copy of her book to Minister Alain St.Ange in the presence of Faouzia Vitry, an elected representative of la Reunion and Benjamine Rose, the PS for Culture. Mr Didier Robert, the Regional President of La Reunion also received a copy of the book.