Special mass in Creole was held during Festival Kreol 2016 in Seychelles
As customary every year during the month of October, a special mass was held in Creole as part of the Festival Creole celebrations.
aTP- Arab tourism portal News- Held at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, the mass was attended by the Minister for Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine Alain St.Ange who was the former minister responsible for the culture department, principal secretary for culture Benjamine Rose, Miss Creole des îles international Omegan Jean-Marie Ciseau and her first princess Romakira Gonthier as well as a large congregation.
In his sermon, Father David Alcindor said since we believe in appreciating and preserving our Creole culture, we should host more masses in Creole not only during the Festival Kreol week.
“October is a month whereby we celebrate our culture. The Seychellois creole culture is not only about its traditional dance but it is about our language, cuisine, way of life, arts and so much more. We need to value all these as the culture of a nation is its identity and this we must not lose,” he added.
We may have our differences, but our culture contributes greatly in uniting us as a nation, and this should serve as an encouragement for us to keep our Creole culture shinning, he said.
Father Alcindor also thanked Minister St.Ange which he said has helped to revive our culture and the need for us to appreciate and value it.
On his part, Minister St.Ange said we need to love our culture and be proud of our Creole identity. He also seconded the idea to have more masses celebrated in Creole and not to only wait for the month of October.
Our religious beliefs are all part of our culture so we need to value each branch of what we have as the Seychellois Creole culture and we need to appreciate being a Creole nation, he added.