Bilateral meeting between Minister Alain St.Ange of the Seychelles and Regional President of Reunion Island Didier Robert brings the islands even closer together
aTP- Arab tourism portal News- The Festival Kreol currently taking place in Victoria, the Capital of the Creole World brought together the Regional President of Reunion Island and the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture and presented the opportunity for a one on one bilateral meeting. Regional President Didier Robert and Minister Alain St.Ange spent a good hour analyzing areas of existing cooperation and assessing achievements under their watch.
Six main points were touched on and these included Aviation and the need for more air access between the islands of the Indian Ocean, Cruise Ship business in the Indian Ocean and the desire to see opportunities to open the doors for Seychellois and Reunionais to also be able to get employment on cruise Ships and artists to also be able to perform on ships when in the Indian Ocean Region, to publicize the changes in Import permits for produce from Reunion for the Seychelles market, to continue to work in the world of events to open more doors for artists from both islands, to support the creation of an Association that would bring together relatives from descendants living in Reunion and Seychelles following the successful Cousin & Cousine event during this Festival Kreol and to work together for Seychelles and Reunion to showcase local music and artists at the MIDEM Music Fair of France.
"We were both happy with our meeting. Our friendship and the desire to continue to work together is good for our respective islands" said Minister St.Ange