H-Resort of the Seychelles joins in the Festival Kreol celebrations pushing forward the tourism through culture concept
aTP- Arab tourism portal News- The Ministry of Tourism and Culture has continued to encourage tourism establishments in Seychelles to promote our local culture. "It is pleasing to see that many of the hotels be it large or small, restaurants and other tourism-related businesses have responded to this call and has placed culture at the core of their marketing and day to day programs. During this year’s Festival Kreol, which is a celebration of our creole identity and culture, the H-Resort located in the northern part of Seychelles’ main island of Mahe, has taken part in the celebrations" said Minister St.Ange.
The H-Resort launched its postcard art work and opened a Kreol exhibition on Wednesday afternoon. The honour to launch the postcard art work was given to the Minister for Tourism and Culture Alain St.Ange.
Roxy Athanase, an art teacher at English River secondary school and three of his students have painted 10 watercolors of iconic imagery from around the H-Resort and these have been used on the postcards launched by the establishment. The complimentary postcards will be given away to the resort’s guest.
Minister St.Ange saluted the resort’s team for the initiative and for valuing not only our culture but the work of our local artists. He added that through this project, the H-Resort is showcasing our local art works and giving the artists exposure as the postcards will now go across the world.
He also said the students should now realise through this project, that everything is possible can that they can go to greater heights if they work hard.
“On behalf of the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, I would like to salute the H-Resort team for helping to promote the art works of Seychelles, showing that you do not shy away from using the works of our local talents in your establishments,” Minister Alain St.Ange added.
The three students who did the art works are Nickella Tirant, Stan Leon and Louys Belle. The 11 artists taking part in the exhibition are Egbert Marday, Danny Sopha, Antonio Fillipin, Michael Adams, Alyssa Adams, Tristan Adams, Florent Servina, Andrew Gee, Isham Rath, Leon Radegonde and Roxy Athanase
Sixty pieces of artwork ranging from sculptures, paintings and carvings are on display at the resort.