Arab tourism portal News- On Saturday late afternoon in the grounds of the Indian High Commission at Le Chantier Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Candidate for the post of Secretary General of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) received three endorsement letters.
In a room full of Seychellois from Indian Origin Mr K. Ramakrishnan Pillay on behalf of the ‘Indian Association of Seychelles’ spoke passionately about the affection of his members for Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles former Minister responsible for Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine and about his era as Culture Minister.
Mr Pillay said:- “The Indian Association has worked closely with Alain St.Ange and together we created an event, the Seychelles-Indian Day Celebrations to mark the Seychellois indian part played in the development of Seychelles.
Minister St.Ange was a man of his word and was never shy to be echoing that Seychelles is a country where respect for everyone was the guiding principle.
Right through his mandate the Minister said over and over again that in Seychelles immaterial of the colour of your skin, your religious belief, your political affiliation, with any form of disability you may have and of your sexual preference you remain a person and one who needs the respect of society.
As a Community we were always so well received by Minister Alain St.Ange at his Ministerial Offices and we always valued the respect with which he listened to our requests and proposals.
A History Wall of the First Indian Settlers arriving in Seychelles has been erected at the National Cultural centre because of the Minister’s determination to see every branch making Seychelles the Melting Pot of Cultures not only recognised, but also given the importance they deserved.
We saw his annual Carnival International de Victoria bring nations from the Community of Nations to share this Melting Pot of Cultures Event under the theme of Friends of All and Enemy of None.
Minister Alain St.Ange is a tourism personality who has passion and professionalism and we, the Indian Community of Seychelles have no reservation in endorsing him as the Candidate for the post of Secretary general of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation and we appeal to every patriotic Seychellois to join us to wish Minister St.Ange success on the 11 May 2017″.
Mr Narasimhan Ramani then took to the podium on behalf of the Hindu Council of Seychelles and he said:- “The Hindu Council of Seychelles feels it, as a matter of pride and honour to support Mr Alain St.Ange to the position of the Secretary General of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation. Mr Alain St.Ange has the subject of tourism in the stream of his blood.
having been born on the island of La Digue that has the pride of owning the most beautiful beaches of the world as endorsed by many travel related organisations in the world.
Having served the Seychelles in various capacities in the Tourism Industry, he possesses in depth knowledge of the pride, facts and difficulties of the Tourism Sector.
His invention of the concept of the Vanilla islands to promote tourism in the Indian Ocean Region, the Carnaval de Victoria, the Seychelles India Day and the Seychelles China Day to popularise Seychelles worldwide are the milestones of his career as the Minister of Tourism.
moreover Mr St.Ange is a man above the politics of colour, creed, language, religion and ethnicity and is being appreciated for his efforts to bring in together under one platform the people of various culture and nationality for the good of the country.
His participation as a lead and key note speaker in various platforms across the world on the subject of Tourism endorses the fact that he is the most suitable candidate for the post for which he is contesting for.
His election to the post will bring pride not only for Seychelles, but also for our Indian Ocean Region, the African Continent and the entire third world countries.
We the members of the Hindu Council of seychelles endorse whole heartedly the candidacy of Mr Alain St.Ange”.
Dr. K. Viveganandan, the President of the Melvin Jones Club and Lion’s Club of Seychelles was next to speak and he said:- “The Lion’s Club of Seychelles says Congratulations to a son of our islands to have had the courage to be a credible candidate for the May 2017 United Nations World Tourism Organisation elections.
Seychelles is proud to see our name listed alongside countries vying for the position of Secretary General of the United Nations world tourism Organisation.
We have known Alain St.Ange, our former Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine and a member of the Seychelles Lion’s Club.
His dedication to succeed for thr country was always so evident. His passion for tourism was seen everywhere he moved and in every speech he delivered and success for our tourism industry was the result of his passion.
Lion’s Club Seychelles os today endorsing Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Candidate for Secretary general of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation and we are at the same time appealing to the Lion’s Club International to also join us to endorse this competent tourism professional”.
The three addresses were followed by presentation of the hard copy of the three letters of endorsements to great applause form all those gathered.
Alain St.Ange said as he addressed the event that he was extremely touched by the show of support. “Yes we have all worked well together, but that was my responsibility as your facilitator.
I did it all with passion and enjoyed every minute of it.
Today I say thank you all for these endorsement and I salute you for your patriotism.
Let us continue to concentrate on what unites us as a people instead of look for what divides us.
In unity we shall continue be a strong country and a successful people. You are right to feel pride to see Seychelles pitched as a candidate on the ballot paper for the SG position of the UNWTO.
Yes it is a big achievement for our small country and if we have reached such a milestone it is because .we are a united people looking for the best for our islands” said Alain St.Ange