Dubai – Numu Capital, a Dubai based VC, announced its investment in the leading Auto Classifieds marketplace in the MENA – Hatal2ee.com. The terms of the deal were not disclosed, but Numu confirmed that this was one of the biggest investments it has made so far. The deal was actually closed in March 2017, but the public announcement was delayed for strategic reasons.
Hatla2ee was founded by Samy Swellam, a seasoned French-Egyptian entrepreneur who quit his corporate job in Paris and moved back to the region to disrupt the auto industry.
“Samy is a remarkable entrepreneur, he has bootsrtapped a solid business without raising any funds. We were fascinated by the growth and market share Hatal2ee team has been able to achieve with the limited resources they have, and we knew immediately that we should join this success story early on” Jamal Al-Mutarreb said, the Managing Director of Numu Capital.
Numu Capital understands and favors Online Classifieds startups; they have previously invested in Aqarmap.com the leading Real Estate portal in Egypt and Saudi, and they were excited to expand their exposure to the Autos vertical.
Hatla2ee is currently ramping up their growth and is expected to raise a Series A round in the next few months. Numu Capital usually invests in startups to help them increase their traction, and secure the next funding round. The fund’s unique value proposition to entrepreneurs is its friendly and quick deal cycle; which usually takes less than 30 days from initial pitch to wiring the funds to the startup’s bank account.