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Qatar Airways makes key strides in global flight tracking

Qatar Airways has made significant headways in its global flight tracking capabilities by building on the TOPS Flight Watch platform launched in 2015 and becoming the launch partner for FlightAware and Aerion Space based ADS-B service (SB ADS-B)






aTP- Arab tourism portal News- Qatar Airways has made significant headways in its global flight tracking capabilities by building on the TOPS Flight Watch platform launched in 2015 and becoming the launch partner for FlightAware and Aerion Space based ADS-B service (SB ADS-B).

This provides the airline with global flight tracking capabilities without the need for costly aircraft equipment upgrades. The Flight Aware implementation will ensure Qatar Airways meets the ICAO Global Aeronautical Distress Safety System (GADSS) requirements ahead of schedule. “Our Flight Watch system is continually improving with multiple updates throughout last year and the SB ADS-B will only add to the capabilities of this product,” Qatar Airways said in its latest annual report.

The Flight Operations Data Warehouse was launched in 2016, providing a central repository for all operational data to be gathered in one place. With the introduction of our data analysis toolbox, the coming year will see Qatar Airways achieve greater levels of data and business intelligence usage to support both day-to-day decision making, and drive longer-term strategies for business improvement and cost reduction.

The New Integrated Training Centre (NITC) saw another milestone achieved with the successful certification of the second A350-FFS simulator in February 2017, bringing the total to five full flight devices at this facility.

This latest addition to the airline’s simulator fleet is the culmination of eight months of hard work, in a series of back-to-back installations that saw its first two A350 simulators and A380 simulators become operational, the report said. Since 2015, Qatar Airways has nearly doubled its total simulator capacity to 11 full flight simulators (five at Qatar Airways’ New Integrated Training Centre and six at the original Integrated Training Centre) in order to support the increase in pilot numbers and associated training requirements.

Qatar Airways transformed its Operational Control Centre into an Integrated Operations Centre (IOC) with a wider scope of representation from across critical operational areas of the business.

Expanding on the traditional focus of controlling aircraft and crew schedules, the IOC concept brings together in one place decision makers and experts from key areas of the organisation to work collaboratively in managing and responding to the daily challenges of Qatar Airways’ operation.

Part of this was the introduction of a ‘mission’ based focus with the network team split into geographical sectors, with individual staff responsible for the on-time performance and reliability of their specific flights within that region.

An accompanying governance framework has also been introduced and this includes the formation of an Integrated Operations Forum (IOF) made up of senior leaders of the IOC representatives and partners and other key operational and support functions.

The forum monitors operational performance and challenges the team to continuously improve its efficiency and effectiveness by targeting key operational improvements, such as on-time performance, flight completion and missed connections, at a strategic level.

“These changes allow us to better serve our customers and protect our business interests,” Qatar Airways said.




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