The Editorial this week highlights:- a. Routes Africa 2018. b. African Tourism Board – Where Africa becomes one tourism destination. c. Ethiopian & Eritrea dialogue a positive news for ‘Brand Africa’. d. Kenya Airways on the Board of IATA. e. President Macron of France & former President Obama on the Continent. f. Seychelles tourism. g. At Routes Africa 2018 (14th – 18th July). h. Winnings at Club Liberte Casino – three hundred thousand in seven days. I. Congratulations to France for being 2018 Football Champions.
Stand alone articles this week starts with:-
1. CaranaBeach cements standing on Tripadvisor rankings .
2. “Chez Odette” at Ma Joie on Mahe Seychelles.
3. Sustainability Vanuatu & Seychelles MOU Signing as report shows that for the Environment, Women may be our greatest asset says Carmen Nibigira .
4. Air France to increase flights to Kenya next year.
5. Tourism in Mauritius looks strong, says PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
6. The Telegraph’s Travel Destinations covers Le Nautique of La Digue, Seychelles.
7. EXPO Dubai 2020 – Is the region gearing up? .
8. Rodrigues embarks on the production of biogas.
9. Tourism in Africa – Everyone’s Business Dr Yvonne IYAMULEMYE KABANO of Congo (DRC).
10. Lucas D’Offay is now General Manager of L’Archipel Hotel of Praslin in Seychelles.
11. Arnold Chetty addresses the first ever Business Summit in Seychelles.
12. 20 global hotels in beeline for Kenya.
13. What is the latest on the new African Tourism Board ?.
14. Thank you Elvis.
15. Routes Africa 2018 Ghana (Seychelles consultant invited as panellist).
16. International Newswires continue to republish our Report.
I am this week issuing this edition of the Saint Ange Tourism Report from Accra in Ghana where I am a panellist at Routes Africa 2018. Supporting such tourism and aviation events on the Continent of Africa is of utmost importance if Africa wants to re-write its narrative and claim back ‘Brand Africa’.
Routes Africa brings together top-level speakers from across the sphere of aviation to discuss the most pressing issues facing the industry. Addresses will be delivered by airline CEOs and senior network planners, along with some of the most influential figures from across Africa and beyond. Panel sessions, keynote speeches and training opportunities will ensure that delegates maximise the value of their attendance at Routes Africa 2018. I am honoured to have been invited to be part of the panellist for a discussion on “Economic impact of tourism – tourism authorities and airports in partnership”.
African Tourism Board – Where Africa becomes one tourism destination
Last week, I published that I was happy to have been appointed on the Steering Committee of the “African Tourism Board” Association. This body is moving forward with the concept “Where Africa becomes one destination”. Major announcements will continue to be made in the coming weeks as the Global Tourism Industry moves in to work with Africa through the “African Tourism Board” body. The African Tourism Board is turning out to become the new African Tourism Focus for cooperatives and private-public partnerships in Africa and wherever there are friends of African Tourism. The African Tourism Board is about friendship, peace, education, investment, tourism, and development, but after all, it’s about business under professional leadership.
One positive Africa news last week was the new spirit of dialogue between Ethiopia and Eritrea. What a breakthrough for Brand Africa. Peace on the continent is the needed confidence for the tourism industry.
Ethiopian & Eritrea dialogue a positive news for ‘Brand Africa’

Ethiopian Airlines announced on July 10 that it had finalised preparations to resume daily flights to Asmara, Eritrea, on July 17. This follows agreements reached in Asmara between Dr. Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, and President Isaias Afewerki of the State of Eritrea. The route will be operated by a Boeing 787 between July 17 and October 27.
The schedule is as follows:
ET 0312: Departs Addis Ababa 09h00; arrives Asmara 10h10.
ET0313: Departs Asmara 11h00; arrives Addis Ababa 12h10.
Regarding the resumption of flights to Eritrea’s capital, Group CEO of Ethiopian Airlines, Tewolde GebreMariam, said: “We at Ethiopian feel an immense honour and joy to resume scheduled flights to Asmara after 20 years, following the visit to Eritrea by Dr. Ahmed, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. With the opening of a new chapter of peace and friendship between the two sisterly countries, we look forward to starting flights to Asmara with the B787, the most technologically advanced commercial aircraft, which gives customers unparalleled on-board comfort.” According to GebreMariam, the resumption of air links will play a critical role in boosting the overall political, economic, trade and people-to-people ties between the countries. “Very quickly, we plan to operate multiple daily services and to start cargo flights, in view of the huge market potential between the two countries,” added GebreMariam.
Congratulations to Ethiopia and Eritrea on this great move.
Kenya Airways on the Board of IATA

Group MD & CEO Kenya Airways
Success for Africa is when we see the recognition for the continent beyond its own borders. The election of Sebastian Mikosz, the Group MD and CEO of Kenya Airways to the Board of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) is testament to the progress by the Continent in re-writing its own narrative and pushing Brand Africa forward. The elections took place at the 74th Annual General Meeting of IATA in Sydney Australia.
Congratulations to Kenya, Kenya Airways and to Sebastian Mikosz
President Macron of France & former President Obama on the Continent
Head of State visits always makes world news, and the continent of Africa received two dignitaries during June and July that can only help ‘Brand Africa’ to remain visible and relevant in the world of tourism.
The visit by French President Emmanuel Macron to Nigeria among other countries, and by former President Barack Obama to Kenya and South Africa, has boosted the coverage of the African Continent and this can only be positive for the 54 Member States of the continent.
Seychelles tourism
On the Seychelles front, the local tourism industry continue to raise operating costs as their main challenge. President Danny Faure personally visited hotel establishments on the islands of Praslin and La Digue last week. The interest by the Head of State for the tourism industry is welcomed, especially as the President was himself the Chair of the island’s Cross Sectorial Meetings, when he was Vice President and is therefore well briefed on the industry’s challenges. Many on the two islands have echoed the appeal for the President to appreciate that hotels in Seychelles were not competing amongst themselves, but were measured in Tour Operator Programs with properties in other holiday destinations. The comparison of apples for apples, or oranges for oranges, is where the Seychelles rate structures becomes a cause for concern. The need for an adequate marketing budget to ensure visibility and relevance is also the battle cry today, as it was yesterday, and the day before.
As we are in in the final stages of the 2018 FIFA World Cup Fever, it is important to analyse the many football teams everyone had expected to see progress from the elimination rounds, but that instead faded away into thin air. Never take anything for granted, is the morale behind these last games, and it is the same for tourism destinations. The need to continuously innovate, and to then communicate what we are doing to remain visible and relevant, is the key for success. It is also important for the destination, (the country) to live up to the expectations of its visitors.
At Routes Africa 2018 (14th – 18th July)
Monday is the start of Routes Africa 2018 and top-level speakers from across the sphere of aviation are here to discuss the most pressing issues facing the industry. Airline CEOs and senior network planners, along with some of the most influential figures from across Africa and beyond are together once again. I am honoured to have been invited to be part of the panellist for a discussion on “Economic impact of tourism – tourism authorities and airports in partnership”. This topic is more relevant to Seychelles today than it has ever been. Seychelles knows that when making decisions to create new routes or add additional services, airlines need a coherent picture of a destination is needed. This means tourism authorities, the TOURISM INDUSTRY as a whole, and airports working in harmony to form a cohesive picture, and some of the best examples of destination marketing arise when the teamwork is closest. It is no more the time to work in isolation and then expect miracles to happen.
Winnings at Club Liberte Casino – three hundred thousand in seven days
Casino winnings are often taken for granted, but the recent payouts of Seychelles Rupees 308,892.60 for Jackpots for the period 07 July to 14th July has had many looking at the Club Liberte Casino for a night out.
Congratulations to France for being 2018 Football Champions

The world watched as Russia hosted the 2018 FIFA Football World Cup and France is the winner this year after a great challenge by Croatia.
Congratulations to France.
It is important to again today acknowledge all who are diligently re-posting the Saint Ange Tourism Report weekly. Our Report ranges far and wide, from Australia to the Americas, from the Indian Ocean Vanilla islands to Africa & Asian and Greater Europe, with your continued support, which is greatly appreciated. You are helping us to grow from strength to strength with each new Edition.
Enjoy the read,
Alain St.Ange
Saint Ange Consultancy
your link : https://mailchi.mp/saintange/saint-ange-tourism-report-edition-28-of-2018?e=b05df7b2bd
CaranaBeach cements standing on Tripadvisor rankings
Seychelles’ CaranaBeach Hotel in North Mahé has earned another Tripadvisor Certificate of Excellence, as it continues its upward trend through the travel website’s rankings.
As the world’s biggest travel review site, Tripadvisor uses its Certificate of Excellence to recognise hotels and service providers that consistently generate outstanding reviews from past guests. In order to earn the certificate, a property must earn a minimum average rating of 4.5, with a minimum number of reviews.
The award recognises the hotel’s strategic drive to continuously improve the guest experience at the outset of the hotel’s opened in 2016, CaranaBeach PR, Branding and Communication Manager Nicole St Ange said.
“CaranaBeach is proud to have won Certificates of Excellence from Tripadvisor every year since the hotel’s inception,” St Ange said. “It’s truly a tribute to our team, who have embraced every opportunity to make the property stand out.”
After establishing itself in 2016 as a unique boutique concept offering a high-standard alternative to international chains, CaranaBeach has embarked on singularly focused improvement programmes every year.
“Last year our service focus saw the hiring of a training manager and a comprehensive programme to define our standards in an authentic local context,” St Ange said. “We climbed from #15 to #9 in the Tripadvisor rankings for Seychelles as a result.”
This year, CaranaBeach has made sustainability its priority, with several programmes already having been implemented, including the adoption of biodegradable cleaning products, and a “Refuse the Straw” campaign to cut down on plastic waste that received national media attention. Many other hotels and restaurants followed suit ever since.
The hotel is now in the application process for the Seychelles Sustainable Tourism Label, granted to hotels that meet a strict set of criteria on waste reduction, energy and water consumption along with several other sustainability benchmarks.
“Chez Odette” at Ma Joie on Mahe Seychelles

Proud Owner of “Chez Odette”
Travelling Seychelles on a budget is part and parcel of what the island’s are today offering to the world. One must never forget that the ‘one stop from anywhere’ network provided by airlines comes with the need to have bums on seats even in the economy section of all planes landing in Seychelles. This is where the small Seychellois owned tourism establishments play their part and in so doing keep the economy of Seychelles alive.
Odette Alcindor runs a small, yet neat property overlooking the “National Assembly” & “Palais de Justice” buildings. She has named her establishment after her own name showing the pride she takes in her property she runs with passion and with her heart in it.
Odette Alcindor is lucky to have, as a husband, a Hotel Chef who works alongside her to prepare a Seychellois Creole meal when guests so request. Chef Alcindor has worked in many hotels and specialises in Creole Dishes. He prepares on request breakfast and dinner for the guests at ‘Chez Odette’.
Pleasant views and proximity to Victoria makes this small Seychellois owned property a great establishment for discovering Seychelles on a budget. ‘Chez Odette’ is programmed by most of the better Online Booking Companies.
Sustainability Vanuatu & Seychelles MOU Signing as report shows that for the Environment, Women may be our greatest asset

GSTC Members Sustainability Vanuatu and Seychelles Sustainable Tourism Foundation (SSTF) have recently signed an MOU, sharing good practices based on similar challenges and opportunities while using the GSTC destination framework.
The MOU is a result from the Conference on Sustainable Tourism in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) that took place in Seychelles, November 2017.
For The Environment, Women May Be Our Greatest Asset
Tourism Policy Analyst
& Former Head of the East Africa Tourism Platform
A special report compiled by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to be released later this year is expected to show that the global average temperature increase will exceed 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2040.
The impacts of such a rise would devastate people, planet and our shared prosperity. It is yet another reminder of the peril we have placed ourselves in and is an urgent call to action.
In responding to the challenge, our first priority must be those most vulnerable. We know that our mothers and daughters are disproportionately affected by the impacts of a warming world. According to UN figures, women account for 80 percent of people displaced by climate change.
If we are to successfully address the climate and other environmental challenges, we must not see women as victims, but rather as part of the solution. Women must be provided opportunities to be involved in and lead environmental protection initiatives – from grassroots conservation to scientific research and international climate negotiations. Indeed, women may be our greatest asset in this effort.
In Rwanda, 30 percent of applications for the most recent intake with the Safari Guides Association were women. Just a few years ago, you would have been hard-pressed to find even one. As a mentor of young women in the industry, I’m pleased to see this progress. We now need men to get on board to create more inclusive and professional working conditions for women. This is true for all environment-related fields, especially science and politics.
Given that the challenge disproportionately affects women, we need female scientists developing research to help us understand and respond to the problem. Sadly, only one quarter of the authors of the upcoming Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report are women.
It’s a similar story around the negotiation table. The average representation of women in climate negotiating bodies currently sits below 30 percent – despite research showing women in government positions are more likely to sign on to international treaties on climate action.
Even with these sobering figures, there are those blazing a trail for others. Judy Kepher-Gona, Founder of the Sustainable Travel and Tourism Agenda, is revolutionizing tourism through her work with women around protected areas in Kenya. Thanks to the leadership of Helen Lubowa from the Uganda Community Tourism Association, women are now accessing their land rights and creating meaningful jobs in rural communities.
The President of the Marshall Islands, Dr Hilda Heine, is steering the global push for greater ambition on climate action. The environment ministers of Canada, Germany, South Africa, Sweden and Japan – all women – are doing the same.
These passionate environmental champions are advancing the climate agenda so that the world moves further and faster to address climate change. If we are to solve the greatest challenge humanity has faced, and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, we must build on this progress so that women take their rightful seat at the table. Experience shows us it’s an investment worth making.
Air France to increase flights to Kenya next year
Air France will increase flights to Nairobi’s Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) next year to five times a week. The airline currently flies between Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Nairobi three times a week.
Beginning on March 31, 2019, flights will operate every day except Tuesdays and Saturdays. The route will be serviced by a Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner, with 30 seats in business class, 21 in premium economy and 225 in economy.
The flight schedule will be as follows:
Flight AF814 – depart Paris at 20h50, arriving in Nairobi at 06h00 the next day.
Flight AF815 – depart Nairobi at 08h20, arriving in Paris at 15h50.
Source:- TU Southern & Eastern African Update