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Seychelles – a call is made for a first ever Presidential Debate for the coming 2020 election

Seychelles - a call is made for a first ever Presidential Debate for the coming 2020 election










Almasalla news | Arab Tourism Portal News


With more and more candidates throwing their hats into the ring for the Presidential elections, and challenging the status quo of having the same faces or political flags crop up in the ballot box again and again, One Seychelles political party led by Alain St.Ange is once more calling for a Presidential Debate



It is widely believed that the incumbent US party and the LDS opposition party in the National Assembly will be joined by Patrick Pillay’s LS party and Alain St.Ang’se One Seychelles party.




“Democracy needs to start with an open Presidential Debate. The electorate would benefit from the opportunity to see all key aspiring leaders being pitted against one another, with topical issues being thrown at them from a skilled moderator.



How each individual responds under pressure and in an adversarial context where the playing field has been levelled between the candidates would give voters a clearer insight into the priorities, values and traits of each candidate.



There will be no hiding or sweeping uncomfortable or controversial topics under the rug. The public deserves full transparency from the individual they are considering electing into Higher Office.

One Seychelles are ready


We at One Seychelles are ready for a No Holds Barred Presidential Debate. Can the same be said for the others?” said St.Ange

Seychelles has never had a Presidential Debate during its election process and this call is set to shake those sitting comfortably in their positions.



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