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Happy Easter says Alain St.Ange, President of African Tourism Board









Happy Easter says Alain St.Ange, President of African Tourism Board

Almasalla news | Arab Tourism Portal News

As we prepare to celebrate Easter 2020, finally the world is united.



The pandemic is making the suffering of vulnerable people – the elderly, the sick, the poor and unemployed – even deeper. We pray that our leaders rise to the challenge of promoting unity and a shared responsibility in our Country.


Happy Easter says Alain St.Ange, President of African Tourism Board


As we live in isolation and we all become marginalised and vulnerable, the global suffering we are witnessing has made it apparent that we need one another – our friends, neighbors, colleagues, family – to thrive in our daily lives.



COVID-19 knows no borders but neither do faith, hope and love. The answer to this crisis lies in all of us and in our unity. As people around the world face Easter in the confines of their home, we have the time to slow down and reflect deeply on our blessings, and on what we need to do as a Nation to survive the gruelling months of uncertainty and financial instability that loom ahead of us.



Let us pray for the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference.



I wish you all an Easter of love and peace





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