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Discontentment is rippling through the population, much as the acrid smoke from the dumpsite fire has steadily clouded most of the island.
With blitzes and motorcades being frequently, recklessly and carelessly organised during a time of COVID-19 (with the MOH turning a blind eye), economic instability and rampant poverty, a portion of the public is being feverishly riled up, while a greater portion are feeling resentful and angry at these negligent, noisy and fundamentally elitist events.
As members from opposing camps cross paths in their political garb, chances of tensions flaring are high. This is particularly so the closer we get to the elections. It does not help that such displays of peacocking tend to be fuelled by alcohol. Already, politicians have made public statements about their posters being vandalised, and some individuals have reported their property being damaged.
Today marks the International Day of Peace.
As only one month separates the Country from a likely change in Government, and tensions running high amongst the population, the message of ‘peace’ has never been more integral that it is now.
Denigrating another individual or demonising them on account of their political persuasion or affiliation – much as the two independent legislative candidates are being shamefully attacked on social media by the same political camp they were known for supporting previously – undermines our very Nationality and the notion of democracy.
People need to bear in mind that we were all Seychellois before politics divided us. We are not red, orange, blue, pink or green first – we remain fundamentally SEYCHELLOIS first. It is time to behave as such.