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Teachers Day message from One Seychelles

سيشيل تنتخب : أجواء ساخنة وغضب شعبي لإنحياز الإعلام ... بقلم أشرف الجداوي
















Almasalla news | Arab Tourism Portal News

ONE SEYCHELLES avails itself of the opportunity to wish our Nation’s teachers, and all those within the education field, a happy Teacher’s Day!


Upcoming generation

You have the noble and often overlooked task of educating the upcoming generation of Seychellois, and molding the leaders of tomorrow.



“We cannot thank you enough for your hard work, commitment and dedication to the profession.


Making capacities

We trust that at the end of this month, whichever Government that is elected shall make it a priority to ensure our teachers are adequately and fairly remunerated, and given a voice in important decision making capacities at Government level” said Alain St.Ange .

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