Congratulations is in order for the Tourism Board says Minister on Seychelles being voted ‘Country Destination of the Year’
ATP- Arab tourism portal- The meeting with the Tourism Board Management this week was the opportunity for Minister Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture to say Congratulations to the island’s Tourism Board Team for their work that got Seychelles to be voted ‘Country Destination of the Year’ by the UK-based publication – the Luxury Travel Guide that offers luxury travel and lifestyle information. The award certificate for ‘Country Destination of the Year’ was presented to Minister Alain St.Ange, at the World Travel Market, taking place earlier in November in London.
The Luxury Travel Guide is published on a quarterly basis focusing on a specific region or continent. It also recognises the very best of the global the tourism industry.
“Our team of experts have scoured the globe and travelled extensively in order to identify everything from the very best hotels, airlines and tour operators through to highlighting the most reputable transfer service companies,” said the Luxury Travel Guide when they presented Minister St.Ange with the certificate that named Seychelles as the Country Destination of the Year. “Each year the Awards are broken down into regions to coincide with the release of their respective Luxury Travel Guide. We highlight the pinnacle of luxury with our continent awards and individual country awards which reflect the range of products and services provided.” they said.
Seychelles with its115 islands in the middle of the Indian Ocean continues to be a popular holiday and honeymoon destination boasting clean and beautiful powder-white sandy beaches and clean clear turquoise blue tranquil waters that is warm on a year round basis.
At the meeting with the Tourism Board’s management Minister St.Ange said that in the press statement we published after winning the award we said that this was a ‘real honour for Seychelles and that the Country Destination of the Year Award was for Seychelles the freedom and diversity our islands offer to our visitors,” said Minister St.Ange.
"Today it is important for me to say thank you and congratulations to Sherin Naiken, the CEO of the Tourism Board, her Management and Staff and also all Tourism Board’s Representatives in the four corners of the world. Your works as dedicated representatives of Seychelles has managed to get our islands the highest award as Country Destination of the Year. You continue to keep Seychelles visible by being present at Tourism Trade Fairs as well as at tourism workshops you organize. This is why we are today relevant as a tourism destination as never before. You travel the world to our islands key tourism source markets just like a fisherman goes out fishing on his fishing bank. You have kept
our visitor arrival numbers on a firm footing through your hard work and your ability to work in partnership with our private sector partners. Today I say we appreciate your work" said Minister Alain St.Ange .
Officially the Statistical Bureau of Seychelles has reported that the year to date figure for 2015 shows that the total of number of visitors landing in Seychelles is 19% above the 2014 figures with significant increases from most source markets.