ATP- Arab tourism portal- Alain St.Ange, the Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture has met the Management and Staff of the Seychelles Heritage Foundation at the Ministry’s ESPACE Offices. This was the first meeting with all the Staff of the Foundation since the recent appointment of Miera Savy as the new CEO of the Foundation. Also present at the meeting was Patrick Nanty, the former CEO of the Heritage Foundation who has now been appointed the Special Advisor for Culture in the Minister’s Office.
The meeting was the opportunity for Minister St.Ange to publickly welcome Madame Savy in her new position and to congratulate her on her appointment as well as discuss the ongoing challenges as well as the successes of the Foundation. The Minister table the recent ICOMOS Meeting and congratulated the Heritage Foundation for having been the body that brought this meeting to Seychelles. He also discussed and was briefed on the Financial aspects of the Foundation as well as the need to revise the Scheme of service for the Heritage Foundation Staff.
The land adjacent to Domaine de Val des Pres at Au Cap was also raised as this property had still not been transferred to the Heritage Foundation by MLUH. "A new Board of Directors for the Seychelles Heritage Foundation is expected to be appointed soon. As we re-look at what we are doing it is important that we also spend time to see that Government land we are administering on behalf of the People of Seychelles are managed as per the leases issued. We cannot have situations of sub-leases as this was no the intension of the original leases. We must also now go back to basics and work on getting funding locally or from overseas to help our projects move forward" said Minister St.Ange
The Minister and his Senior Management are expected to visit the Heritage Foundation Staff at their La Bastille Offices in the coming week. "Our culture which sits at the centre of our tourism development remains our greatest asset and this includes out historical assets. We need to preserve them as per our mandate. We need to continue to remain united to defend our culture. We all know that doing something will bring criticism always. Doing nothing is easy and brings no criticism, so do not worry when we hear adverse comments" the Minister said.