Lecturers from the Seychelles Tourism Academy headed for training in La Reunion
ATP- Arab tourism portal- Seven lecturers from the Seychelles Tourism Academy left Seychelles for three weeks training in La Reunion. This follows training done locally since 2012, by the two French lecturers at the Tourism Academy, Marion Etienne and Philip Monthy and by CIEP trainer, Morgane Riboust. The training has materialised following an agreement signed last year between the Ministry of Tourism and Culture and the Centre international d études pédagogiques (CIEP) which is a centre dedicated towards education and French language worldwide. The cost of the training which amounts to 19 600 euros has been borne by both the Organisation International de la Francophonie and the Fond Cooperation Regionale whereas the Seychelles Tourism Academy has made provision for the perdiem only.
Before their departure from Seychelles the lecturers met with Minister Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister for Tourism and Culture and the French Ambassador Mr. Lionel Majeste Larrouy at the National Cultural Centre. Minister St.Ange took the opportunity to wish the lecturers all the best in their training and reminded them to make the most out of this opportunity as they will be expected to share their acquired knowledge with their students upon their return. The meeting was also attended by the Principal Secretary for Tourism, Mrs. Anne Lafortune, Principal Secretary for Culture, Ms. Benjamine Rose , the Principal for the Seychelles Tourism Academy, Mr. Flavien Joubert and the Head of Academic Studies, Mr. Philip Monthy
After completion of the programme in 2016 the lecturers will be expected to teach part of their module in French which the Ministry anticipates will improve the usage of French language in the Tourism and hospitality industry of Seychelles. The Seychelles Tourism Academy has announced that they will be using both French and English as teaching mediums from now on. "This is a plus for Seychelles and its tourism industry. Our workforce needs to be able to master the these two languages for a consolidated tourism industry" said Minister St.Ange