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UK and Seychelles Culture & Tourism Ministers meet in London

UK and Seychelles Culture & Tourism Ministers meet in London





ATP-  Arab tourism portal- The Rt. Hon John Whittingdale OBE MP، the Secretary of State for Culture، Media and Sports with responsibility also for Tourism and Minister Alain St.Ange، the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture used the opportunity of the World Travel Market (WTM) Ministerial Dinner at Banking Hall to meet and exchange ideas on future cooperation.


The Ministerial Dinner followed the UNWTO & WTM ministers Summit held earlier in the day on Destination Branding: new challenges in a changing market.


The United Kingdom is today once again the 5th most important source market for the Seychelles tourism industry and Seychelles remains a destination where the British holiday makers feel welcome and are at ease.



The islands are a former British Colony and the english language remains one of the three official languages of Seychelles along French and Creole. Cars are driven of the left side of the road in Seychelles as is the case in the UK. The Rt. Hon John Wittingdale and Minister Alain St.Ange used the opportunity of their first meeting to exchange notes and discussed the possibility of a visit by the Hon Wittingdale to Seychelles.





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