India & Seychelles Ministers responsible for Tourism and Culture meet on the sidelines of the Seychelles-India Day Celebrations 2015
ATP- Arab tourism portal- The Indian Minister of State for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, Dr. Mahesh Sharma and his Seychellois counterpart Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture met as what was seen as bilateral talks in the died of tourism and also culture.
The meeting that took place at the Ministry of Tourism and Culture ESPACE Building Offices in Victoria was an opportunity for the two Ministers to discuss the strengthening of relationship between India and Seychelles. The Indian Minister of State for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, Dr. Mahesh Sharma was in Seychelles to attend the Seychelles-India Day celebrations.
“The Seychelles-India Day Celebrations has helped to further consolidate the excellent ties of friendship that has always existed between our two countries.The celebrations in bringing people to people contact to a new level and this is helping to consolidate the concept of One Country – One People that the Culture Department at the Ministry of Tourism and Culture has been advocating" said Minister Alain St.Ange to his Indian counterpart. The two Ministers also discussed ways that India and Seychelles can work together to promote tourism and cultural relations.
“In my Ministry of tourism, culture and civil aviation, there is a lot of exchanges and possible increase of bilateral tourism and increasing the connectivity. We are proposing to send a group of media and tour operators to Seychelles to see your country, to exchange ideas and to see your management of the coastal side of your tourism industry” said Minister Sharma to his Seychelles counterpart during their meeting at ESPACE Building.
Present in the meeting were the Indian High Commissioner to Seychelles, Mr. Sanjay Panda, the PS for Culture Benjamine Rose, the PS for Tourism Anne Lafortune, the Officer on Special Duty to the Minister of State, Mr. Navneet Soni, the First Secretary of the Indian High Commission in Seychelles, Mr. A Banerjee.