Al Masalla-News- Official Tourism Travel Portal News At Middle East

World Routes 2015 says tourism sector must adopt risk-management mind-set for better-connected airspace

World Routes 2015 says tourism sector must adopt risk-management mind-set for better-connected airspace


ATP-  Arab tourism portal- Delegates from over 50 countries met in Durban, South Africa, from 19-22 September for the World Routes Summit 2015.

Seychelles was represented at this yearly event by its Tourism Board team in South Africa; the Director for Africa and Americas, David Germain and the newly appointed marketing manager for South Africa, Lena Hoareau.

World Routes is the global meeting for every senior representatives from airlines, airports, tourism boards and government stakeholders, who wish to meet, plan and discuss new and existing global air services.

In a press statement from the summit on Monday, it is stated that if the tourism sector wants to attract new airline routes, the industry needs to offer operators ‘greater risk-sharing opportunities’.

The discussion is one that perfectly ties into the current hot topic of modernised fleets, as airlines increasingly invest in new models.

It also supports industry forecasts from manufacturers that predict a need for 38,050 more aircraft within the next 20 years. After all, such an increase in air traffic will only lead to a greater demand for new routes.

But without doubt, the tourism bodies and airports need to step up their partnerships to create better risk sharing and risk mitigation deals that will help airlines achieve their own goals.

The risks faced by some airlines are immense and diverse.
Having a large traveller catchment area, attractive resorts and a healthy regional economy are not enough, the press statement said.

However, it was pointed out, even if aircrafts can be deployed anywhere, it still falls on destinations and airports to make a convincing case to airlines that they can help offset their risks.

The concerted agreement at the end was that it’s time to make way for a more innovative industry that will play home to the impressive next-gen aircraft set to dominate the skies right through to the new routes and opportunities that are bound to emerge.

Speaking at the end of the conference, Seychelles Tourist Office Director, Mr Germain said that it’s always important to know of the challenges which some destinations faced as it helps in the planning of our own diversification efforts and when tapping into new markets.

“The Routes summit is the forum where you learn of what others are doing to open up their skies or their tourism industry. We learn of the trends in both aviation and tourism and are able to know what the experts feel. It is definitely beneficial for us as a small destination who is constantly growing and attracting visitors to our shores,” he said.


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