Tourism Minister Alain St.Ange from the Seychelles receives Plaque of Honour at House of Lords – A move seen as a recognition for a Tourism Leader
ATP- Arab tourism portal- Minister Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture was on Monday honoured at the House of Lords in London by the Rt. Honourable Baroness Sandip Verma, Minister of International Development of the UK when he was presented with their Plaque of Honour in the presence of Minister Kimmane Rathnakar, the Minister of State of India for Primary & Secondary Education in the Government of Kamataka, Mr Gauhar Nawab, the President of the International President of the NRI Society of India and Mr Deepak Singh, the Convenor of the NRI Society and a room full of delegates attending the Global Indian Summit 2015.
The Plaque of Honour presented to Minister St.Ange of the Seychelles says:- "Plaque of Honour presented to Alain St.Ange, Minister of Tourism and Culture, Seychelles by Rt. Honourable Baroness Sandip Verma, Minister of International Development of the UK in recognition of Dedication, Passion, Courage, Commitment, Spirit, Ethics & Excellence for his Outstanding Endeavours. At the House of Lords, on 21 September 2015, London".
After receiving his Plaque of Honour Minister Alain St.Ange said that he was humbled to be standing in the House of Lords in London to be recognised for his works for tourism. "We were up until as recently as 1976 a British Colony and the House of Lords was the institution we all saw on the news only. Today standing here in this great institution I am overwhelmed with emotion" said the Seychelles Minister.
Alain St.Ange has received many awards and recognitions ever since he assumed Office as Minister in the Republic of Seychelles. He is a regular Speaker at International Tourism Forums and has become a very popular Minister among his peers in the World of Tourism. , as he took to the podium at the House of Lords in London to address the Global Indian Summit, that he felt privileged to have been chosen from all the Tourism Ministers from the Community of Nations.