Tourism & Culture Minister from Seychelles to be Guest of Honour at event at the House of Lords in London to celebrate the Global Indian Summit
ATP- Arab tourism portal- Minister Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture will be the Guest of Honour to celebrate the Global Indian Summit at the House of Lords in London on Monday the 21st September. Minister St.Ange will be at the House of Lords at the invitation of The Rt. Honourable Baroness Verma.
This celebration is part of the "Global NRI Summit" and it is Minister Alain St.Ange of the Seychelles who has been invited to "Inaugurate the Event".
"As the Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture of the Seychelles, this invitation to inaugurate the Global NRI Summit at the House of Lords in London is a great honour. To be invited is by itself a sign that we are now recognised as a relevant tourism destination and that also that our country is respected as one where everyone is respected immaterial of their nationality, their religious beliefs, the colour of their skin or of their political affiliation" said Minister Alain St.Ange.
The Seychelles Minister is stopping in the UK on his trip back to Seychelles after attending the 21st UNWTO General Assembly that was has just taken place in Medellin in Colombia.