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Executive of the Seychelles Tourism Board increases visibility of Seychelles in Russia through a series of Press interview

Executive  of the Seychelles Tourism Board increases visibility of Seychelles in Russia through a series of Press interview







aTP-  Arab tourism portal News- The Seychelles Tourism Board Chief Executive, Sherin Francis who was in Moscow for a high profile event organized for the main tour operators and travel agents selling the destination together with airline, hotel and media partners, had a series of scheduled interviews with a dozens of Press and media in Russia. Interviews were carried out with the following media; the Financial Times, TTG Russia, Perfect flight magazine, LIS Channel, Travel Russia news, voyage, print daily newspaper, Vedomosti business daily, amongst a handful other online travel blog, travel consultants and writers.


The Press event which will surely give this important target market much needed visibility was also attended by Karen Confait, Seychelles Tourism board manager for Russia and Bernadette Willemin, Seychelles Tourism board Director for Europe. Most of the interviews concentrated on the reason why Russian travellers should consider choosing Seychelles as their preferred holiday destination, as well as the new products on offer and other recent developments in the industry.


Russia went through some economic calamities following the weakening of the Ruble. A lot of destinations got affected but Mrs Francis stated in her interviews that even if Seychelles registered a minor decrease in visitors from Russia over the two past years they are happy that they have at least been able to maintain a fair share of the market during that period.


“Russia is a high yield market for Seychelles. If you ask hotels and high value brand shop in Seychelles who are their top spenders, most of them would state that is the Russian visitors.”


Mrs Francis went on highlighting the main reasons why Russian travellers should consider Seychelles as their preferred holiday destination stating that Seychelles is not only renowned for having the best sand, sea and sun, but top the list for safety and security, pristine environment, having warm year-round weather and will soon to enjoy a remarked increase in air connection and frequencies to the island from the the main cities in Russia amongst a handful other reasons.


Russia finished eight on the table of visitor arrival for the year 2015 and fifth for Europe. With Russia’s economic situation improved and outbound travel on the rise again, Mrs Francis is hopeful that Seychelles would regain back its share of this market and would see itself back on the path of growth very soon.


Here are some links that already came out: – this is from Sherin Francis’ interview with Travel.Rambler.Ru
Title is: “It is a real pleasure to observe the Russians in the Seychelles”  – this is a quote from Sherin Francis talking
This story has been picked up and re-published by Gazeta.Ru, one of the top news website:
Title is: “Russians are the most generous (high spent) foreigners in the Seychelles”
And also the same story was re-published by one more site, Look in Hotels:
Title is the same as above – this is from Sherin Francis’ interview with Travel.Vesti.Ru
Title is: “Sherin Francis: Russian Market is a priority market for us”
The two more, with Rata and Komsomolskaya Pravda, will come out later.
Komsomolskaya Pravda will come out sooner website, in the online version, and later as part of their Winter Destinations coverage in the print newspaper version. Rata will most likely come out next week.




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