My first celebration of Lafet La Digue; Miss Seychelles 2015
ATP- Arab tourism portal- Thousands of locals and international visitors braved the exciting waves of the south east monsoon to celebrate the popular and religious Lafet La Digue (La Digue Island Feast) which is dedicated to St Mary and commemorated each year on the 15th August. Amongst the crowd, was Miss Seychelles…Another World 2015, Linne Freminot who was very much looking forward to experience her first Lafet La Digue.
As she set foot on the sleepy tropical port of La Digue which was already starting to get crowded with yachts and catamarans dropping anchor that Friday morning, Miss Seychelles was seen heading towards La Passe – the heart of La Digue – where colourful assortment of stalls were lined up on each side of the road for the special occasion selling goods, clothes, toys and souvenirs. There was also a lot of interesting activities going on as well as entertainment fit for all ages taking place on the main stage featuring local prominent singers and musicians.
One would probably take 15 minutes to walk through the day fair organised in La Passe, but in Linne’s case, it would take her just over an hour. With every two steps she made, there was always somebody who wanted to meet and take pictures with Miss Seychelles, especially the children. Judging by the crowd’s reaction, it was quite clear that Linne is a very popular and beloved Miss Seychelles who despite her busy schedule, still finds the time to meet and listen to people’s issues that relates to her Children’s Restoration Project.
Later that day, Miss Seychelles had given a presentation of her project in front a group of youth who had eagerly gathered at the Community Centre in La Passe. She explained that one of her greatest dreams in life is to establish a children’s playground at the Montagne Posée Prison so that it would allow the inmates to have more quality time with their children in a friendlier ambiance during visiting hours.
Miss Seychelles stated that since the beginning her reign, she has been relentlessly knocking on important doors to get financial support in order to have the playground built. Her persistent efforts had finally paid off when last month, the Managing Director of Vijay Construction (PTY) LTD, Mr V.J Patel, who was touched by the idea, informed Miss Seychelles that he would not only build the playground but also bear the cost of supplying the playground with children’s toys.
Besides the construction of the playground, Miss Seychelles informed the gathered youth that her Children’s Restoration Project also consist of her meeting children whose parents are currently in prison.
The presentation had reached its end and the children seemed satisfied of what they had just learned. Furthermore, some of the girls approached Miss Seychelles individually seeking her advice on certain matters whereby she had duly dedicated the time to carefully listen and offer her advices. Most of Linne’s advices highlighted the importance of taking education seriously.
The day was not over for Miss Seychelles, as she was preparing herself to attend an evening fashion show which was part and parcel of the feast’s activities. The fashion show took place on a small stage carefully built on the beach of Anse Kalis. Also present for the event, was the Minister for Tourism and Culture, Alain St Ange who was accompanied by the Principal Secretary for Tourism, Anne Lafortune and the Principal Secretary for Culture, Benjamine Rose.
The fashion show had gathered quite generous crowd who had come to watch and support the local talent. The entertainment was sublime, the choreography was well-organised and models looked amazing in their casual, beach wear and evening outfits. At one point, Miss Seychelles was called on the stage, where she had the opportunity to congratulate the models for their participation.
“Tonight, I seen not only some of the most beautiful girls of our archipelago but also, a lot of gifted talents. I see potential candidates for future Miss Seychelles…Another World pageants and looking forward to the day when a beautiful, talented girl from La Digue be crowned Miss Seychelles,” said the reigning Miss Seychelles, Linne Freminot.
The next day, Miss Seychelles witnessed the traditional procession and attended mass at Saint Mary’s Church in Anse Reunion. She sat quietly in a corner praying as the Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church, Denis Wiehe reiterated the need for Seychellois to reconnect with their spiritual values and to exercise their faith in their everyday lives.
After mass, Miss Seychelles joint the rest of the crowd in La Passe where celebrations had resumed and most of the interesting activities were taking place, including the traditional games such as the climbing of a greasy pole and tug of war.
Miss Seychelles also attended the award presentation of the popular yacht sail race whereby she had handed over the champion’s trophy to Bernard Moutia who came in first place at a time of 4 hours and 46 minutes. Linne then spent the rest of the long weekend making new friends, tasting the local delicacies and exploring La Digue’s places of interests. After her pleasant trip to La Digue, Linne Freminot is already looking forward to the next Lafet la Digue