Al Masalla-News- Official Tourism Travel Portal News At Middle East

Mobinil Enhance its Network & Raise the Egyptian Flag on its Base Stations at Canal Governorates

In Preparation  for  the New Suez Canal Opening Celebration

Mobinil Enhance its Network & Raise  the Egyptian Flag on its Base Stations at Canal Governorates




ATP-  Arab tourism portal- Mobinil (owned by Orange Group) has announced taking a series of  preparations for the opening celebration of the new Suez Canal that included enhancing its network at celebration locations and raising the Egyptian flag on its base stations located at Canal governorates & touristic destinations at Hurghada.


Mobinil raised the Egyptian flag at its base stations in Ismailia, Port-Said, Suez and Hurghada located at the expected route of  attending delegates. Furthermore, Mobinil raised the Egyptian flag at its base stations located on main highways like  Cairo -Ismailia Road ,Cairo -Suez Road  & Ismailia -Port Said Road.


On this occasion, Mr. Yves Gauthier, Mobinil’s CEO stated that ,” Mobinil is keen to enhance its network and service quality during the opening celebration of the  new Suez  Canal to match this historic event”. Gauthier added,” Mobinil & Orange Group congratulates the Egyptian people and the Suez Canal team in charge of this project & shares with them their joy for the opening of this great national project wishing for a great future to Egypt”.


It is worth noting that Mobinil is keen to offer the best quality of service at locations witnessing different celebrations and high traffic on network capacity whether  these celebrations are official like the last Economic Summit held in Sharm el Sheikh and Eid celebrations or non- official like mega musical concerts.







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