Visibility in Tourism is key as Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO) and Indian Ocean Vanilla Islands meet with Senior Vice President of CNN and Anita Mendiratta of TASK CNN
ATP- arab tourism portal- Visibility remains the key word for success in the world of tourism and as Tourism Ministers gathered in Haiti for the UNWTO meeting on Multidestination Opportunities for Regional Integration it was not surprising to see two Ministers representing islands working hard to consolidate their tourism industry stand with Petra Malenicka, the CNN Senior Vice President for Europe and the Americas & CNN International and Anita Mendiratta, the Founder and Managing Director of CACHET Consulting and the Head of TASK CNN to talk visibility.
Minister Richard Sealy, the Minister of Tourism and International Transport of Barbados and. Minister the current Chair of the Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO), Minister Wykeham McNeill, the Minister of Tourism and Entertainment of Jamaica, Minister Alain St.Ange, the Minister of Tourism and Culture of the Seychelles and the first President of the Indian Ocean Vanilla islands join Hugh Riley, the CEO of the Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO) for discussions with the CNN Senior Vice President.
CNN remains a key partner of the World Tourism Organisation and the presence of its Senior Vice President at the Haiti Conference was seen as a positive morale boost for tourism destinations working hard to remain visible in order to remain relevant in the competitive world of tourism.