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Seychelles & Reunion Islands strengthen cooperation in filed of tourism

Seychelles & Reunion Islands strengthen cooperation in filed of tourism








aTP-  Arab tourism portal News – Discussions between Minister Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture and Mr Azzedine Bouali, the President of Federation Reunionnaise du Tourisme that took place on the sidelines of the last Ministerial Meeting of the Indian Ocean Vanilla Islands that was held but a week ago in St. Denis, La Reunion has moved existing cooperation between the two Indian Ocean islands even closer than ever.


Following this meeting between Minister St.Ange and Mr Bouali in Reunion Island an MOU was signed on Thursday the 11 August between Sherin Naiken, the CEO of the Seychelles Tourism Board and Azzedine Bouali, the President of Federation Reunionnaise du Tourisme at the Ministry of Tourism and Culture at ESPACE Building in Victoria in the Seychelles.





This latest MOU makes provision for Information Office Staff exchanges between the two islands as well as working together for the development of a new approach for the ‘meet and greet’ for cruise ships arrivals and also at airport arrivals. The MOU will also be paving the way for discussions by the islands through their Vanilla Islands Organisation for music bands to have the opportunity to perform of cruise ships when they are in the Indian Ocean region. Witnessing the signing ceremony of this latest inter island MOU was Minister Alain St.Ange, the Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture, the French Ambassador in Seychelles H. E. Lionel Majeste-Larrouy, PS for Tourism Anne Lafortune and Pascal Viroleau, the CEO of the Indian Ocean Vanilla Islands.


This MOU as was stated by CEO Sherin Naiken and Azzedine Bouali, the President of Federation Reunionnaise du Tourisme, confirms Staff exchanges between the Federation Reunionnaise du Tourisme of La Reunion and the Seychelles Tourism Board amongst many other areas of inter-island cooperation.




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