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Seychelles at WTM in London says all looking more positive

Seychelles at WTM in London says all looking more positive



Almasalla, ATP News- The Seychelles delegation attending World Travel Market in London (WTM) is saying that all is looking more positive for the island on the UK market. "The continued interest by the UK Tour Operators, the support displayed by the press through the many interviews carried out on the Seychelles Stand at WTM and the new business drive are all positive signs said the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture Alain St.Ange who was personally heading this year’s delegation to the UK Tourism and Trade Fair.

"Airline discussions have been held and new investments inquiries attended to. Our arrival figures are showing signs that the UK Tour Operators are pushing the islands once again. We launched new marketing tools and our e-marketing Department is today more on the ball than ever before"  said Minister St.Ange


This year the Seychelles had a big private sector delegation participating alongside the Seychelles Tourism Board at WTM.


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