Cultural Revolution gains momentum in Seychelles
Almasalla, ATP News- It is becoming more and more evident that Seychelles is undergoing a Cultural Revolution of its own. This statement was again echoed by Joseph Sinon, the popular artist comedian during the big open air musical show of Festival Kreol 2014 that was held at Au Cap during the festival’s ‘Dimans Kreol Borlanmer’ (Creole picnic). This same statement has previously been aired by veteran artist Jean Marc Volcy and agin by different other artists during the last 15th August Celebrations on La Digue.
Last Sunday thousands of Seychellois and tourists gathered at Au Cap in what was clearly the biggest group ever assembled for this particular event, and when Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture accompanied by Benjamine Rose, his PS for Culture were called on stage late in the afternoon of Sunday as the musical show was at its peak, Joseph Sinon reflected over the loud speakers that Seychelles was living a cultural revolution. "Never before have we musicians and entertainers seen such a cultural revolution and this has happened ever since Minister Alain St.Ange became the Minister responsible for Culture" Mr Joseph Sinon said.
He asked everyone to applaud Minister St.Ange to thank him for his commitment for the development of culture in Seychelles.
When he addressed the large group of revelers Minister St.Ange said that the Government of Seychelles remains committed to place culture in all its form at the centre of the development of the country. He asked the thousands present if they wanted the annual Festival Kreol to which the crowd screamed yes. He said that some people are questioning why does Seychelles host events, whilst others ask why was Seychelles putting so much effort in continuing to develop sports such as football. Minister St.Ange said that it was the duty of the Government to look at the needs and and after the aspirations of the people and he said: "If I go forward based on the number of people present at Au Cap today we can say that we are on the right tract. The proof of the pudding is in the eating and today Seychelles is sending a very clear message that they want their Festival Kreol, and today I confirm to you all that the Government will stand by you" Minister St.Ange said to loud applause.
The Minister spoke about the need for everyone to embrace their Creole Culture and to show that they are not ashamed to be a Creole. He spoke about the need to see our country’s culture showcased 365 days of the year with hotels being encouraged to serve Seychellois Creole meals, provide entertainment that showcases local music and dancing and that more of the creative artists should be invited to get their works of art into our tourism facilities.
When he ended his address Minister Alain St.Ange and PS Benjamine Rose were invited to join the large crowd who were screaming for them to stand with them. They both surprised everyone by jumping into the crowd from the stage and were greeted with loud applause.