At Munich Airport Chinese travelers can use Alipay for purchases in all eurotrade stores
Munich Airport announces cooperation with Wirecard AG:
Effective immediately, Chinese travelers can use Alipay for purchases in all eurotrade stores
aTP- Arab tourism portal News – An app for a non-cash shopping experience: Munich Airport’s retail arm eurotrade has signed a cooperative agreement with Wirecard AG and is launching the Asian payment system Alipay in all participating shops.
Effective immediately, travelers from China can now use their phones to make purchases easily and conveniently with Alipay in the 69 eurotrade stores.
All of eurotrade’s retail units, before and after security, have programmed their point of sale terminals to accept the Alipay bar code. The platform will be expanded in the future to offer other alternative payment methods as well.
Payment with an Alipay bar code is very simple: Customers making purchases with their Alipay wallets just show the cashier their smartphone displaying a barcode.
After the code is scanned, the payment process begins. Occasionally customers will have to confirm payment by entering their PIN.
"Passengers from China are one of our most important, high-revenue target groups at Munich Airport," says Sven Zahn, the managing director of eurotrade Flughafen München Handels-GmbH.
"The ability to offer our Asian guests the same mobile payment option they use at home in all of our stores, without having to change currencies is just the latest example of the philosophy that earned us the title of Europe’s only five-star airport. With Wirecard we have found a local and reliable partner to support us in implementing the solution."
"With our ConnectedPOS platform, we can quickly and easily implement the acceptance of Alipay payments in the eurotrade point-of-sale systems. Alipay is a key strategic partner for us.
Alternative POS payment processes are just getting started in Europe.
But Alipay is an excellent example of how quickly these solutions can establish themselves as a standard," adds Markus Eichinger, the Head of Mobile Services with Wirecard.