Second Edition Seychelles-India Day Celebrations was just great
Almasalla,G AT News- Gone are the days when the Seychelles-India Day Celebrations was trying to set its benchmark in the Seychelles calendar of annual events. Sunday, as the curtain has fallen on its second edition, the Seychelles Indian Community have proved beyond doubt that their event is here to stay and that it is growing bigger each year.
The second edition of the Seychelles-India Day Celebrations gave Seychelles an electrified three day event, proving to be a real testimony that the Indo-Seychelles community is a gifted event planner.
It is true that with very little resources, the first edition of the Seychelles-India Day Celebrations set the bar. But the real flash point of the second edition of the Seychelles-India Day Celebrations was the new committee spearheading this year’s edition and it took the challenge and shocked the Indo-Seychelles community with a new program of activities.
The Seychelles-India Day Celebrations committee’s artistic strength was omnipresent with the most perfect replica of the iconic heritage site Taj Mahal, positioned at the entrance of ‘Stad Popiler’, right at the heart of Victoria, the Capital of the Seychelles.
The Indo-Seychelles community marched downtown through the Taj Mahal entrance in a festive mood to get a glimpse of their inspiring Indian legendary Celebrities’ performance. The line up of known artists included:- Minoti Parikh, Solid Band’s Stephen Devassy and his ‘’flying fingers’’, Manoj George armed with a bow and fiddle and others gave Seychelles a cocktail of real block buster Indian hits. Packed with thousands of party goers, ‘Stad Popiler’ gave a rare sight where music can break barrier and bring two communities closer together.
Those who missed out on this spectacular performance that was attended by Vice President Danny Faure, Vincent Meriton, the Designated Minister , Alain St.Ange, the Minister for Tourism and Culture and high government Ministries and Diplomats were able to make up for it with a Gala Lunch at Ephelia Constance Resort on the following Sunday. As ‘’appetiser’’, Stephen, dubbed flying fingers, known to be more than just an artist, played some trendy tunes leaving his spectators thirsty for more.
For about an hour Stephen’s Solid Band and India’s talented generation of artists left a rich artistic legacy in Seychelles. As the second edition of the Seychelles-India Day Celebrations closes on yet another successful note, the event’s organising committee can proudly claimed that it has done it again for Seychelles and for India.