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Minister Alain St.Ange of the Seychelles confirmed join Dr. Taleb Rifai as Keynote Speakers at IIPT World Symposium

Minister Alain St.Ange of the Seychelles confirmed join Dr. Taleb Rifai as  Keynote Speakers at IIPT World Symposium


Almasalla,Gate Arab Tourism News-Following an personal email to Minister Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture from Mr Louis D Amore, the IIPT Founder and President saying:- "I am writing to ask if you  would also honour us by being a keynote speaker and providing us with another of your visionary and inspirational talks “that will push the thinking on “Building a Culture of Peace through Tourism, Culture and Sports.




Dates of the Symposium are 15-20, February 2015" it has been confirmed that the Seychelles Minister St.Ange will join Dr. Taleb Rifai, Secretary General of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), as keynote speakers at the IIPT World Symposium: Cultivating Sustainable and Peaceful Communities and Nations Through Tourism, Culture and Sports, to be held February 15-20, 2015, in the Metropolitan Municipality of Ekurhuleni, Gauteng Province, South Africa.

The IIPT World Symposium in South Africa will honor the legacies of the world’s three champions of Non-Violent Resistance: Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. and will also commemorate the:

– 50th anniversary of the African Union,
– 20 years of South African Democracy, and
– 50th anniversary of Civil Rights Legislation in the United States.

Mr.Louis D’Amore said, “IIPT is also honored and proud to announce that the Symposium has been endorsed by Archbishop Desmond Tutu.”

IIPT’s intent is to harness the Symposium and legacies of Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King, Jr. to build bridges of tourism, friendship and peace between South Africa, India and the United States – and other regions of the world.”


The Symposium will have two basic aims: to identify strategies and best practice in cultivating productive, sustainable, peaceful and welcoming communities through tourism, culture and sports; and to determine lessons learned from countries that have experienced conflict and the potential roles of tourism, culture and sports in reconciliation and socio-economic re-development.


Design of the Symposium will be highly interactive with international experts in community development, community tourism, sports, culture and peace engaging with delegates in the exchange of experiences and ideas; .

In addition to Ministers of Tourism from Africa, selected Ministers from countries of Europe, Asia, South America and the Middle East that have experienced conflict will also be invited to participate in inter-active plenary session panels.


IIPT is dedicated to fostering and facilitating tourism initiatives that contribute to international understanding and cooperation, an improved quality of environment, the preservation of heritage, poverty reduction, and the resolution of conflict – and through these initiatives, help bring about a more peaceful and sustainable world. IIPT is dedicated to mobilizing travel and tourism, the world’s largest industry, as the world’s first “Global Peace Industry,” an industry that promotes and supports the belief that “Every traveler is potentially an Ambassador for Peace.”


Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture who is set to be travelling to India early August to address the PATWA Conference alongside the Indian Minister responsible for Tourism said that he was thrilled to have been selected by Mr Louis D’Amore of the IIPT to be a Keynote Speaker at the Symposium in South Africa that will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the African Union, the 20 years of South African Democracy, and the 50th anniversary of Civil Rights Legislation in the United States, and also honour the legacies of the world’s three champions of Non-Violent Resistance: Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. .


"Seychelles is now seen as never before. Yes our visibility ensures we remain relevant as a tourism destination, but as a small country where life of a people known to be a melting pot of cultures living in total harmony despite the difference in ethnic origins, despite the difference of the colour of skin and religious orientations, we remain a country that is a living example for the world at large because in Seychelles our people are all the proud to say that they are the Creole Seychellois People of Seychelles" said Minister Alain St.Ange.


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