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Seychellois PhD candidate makes a dent in the Marine Science community

Seychellois PhD candidate makes a dent in the Marine Science community

Almasalla- Arab Travel Portal News – Seychellois Marine Science graduate, Ameer Ebrahim, is making it on a global scale. He is a primary author to a prestigious Marine Science Journal paper. The article is titled, ‘Herbivory in a subtropical seagrass ecosystem: separating the functional role of different grazers’ and is based on Ameer’s Honours Research at Griffith University in Australia.

It discusses the importance of seagrass meadows in marine ecosystems and how different marine organisms (from the most microscopic to the larger organisms) play a role in maintaining seagrass meadows.

His research revealed some unexpected results demonstrating that the smallest of organisms are playing the most crucial role in maintaining these ecosystems rather than the larger ones, as previously thought.

These results astounded the scientific community and Ameer was awarded a scholarship by the Australian Rivers Institute to publish his findings.

Ameer is now about to commence his PhD at the University of Queensland in Australia. His research will be based in the Seychelles, and he is hopeful that his studies will assist in the conservation of Seychelles’ precious marine ecosystem.

He has been encouraged to further his studies by Peter Sinon,  the Seychelles Minister responsible for Fisheries and his Team at the Seychelles Fishing Authority (SFA).

We know that Ameer will continue to do his country proud!

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