Independent Conservative Union moves to join the Third Force in Politics in Seychelles
aTP- Arab tourism portal News – ICUS has moved to join forces with the newly formed Seychelles Patriotic Movement (SPM) to create a Third Force on the political stage of Seychelles. This creates a new and fresh team to compete in the forthcoming National Assembly elections of the 8, 9 and 10 September as announced by the Electoral Commission.
The Third Force is the coming together of like minded people who believe that the time has come for the extreme politics of the two main political parties namely Parti Lepep and LDS must be brought under control for the benefit of the people of Seychelles.
Since these two parties have now divided the people of Seychelles as was evident from the results of the 2015 elections this has created hate and resentment in the population. "When you consider that we are by nature a peace loving nation and we have shown the world that despite our multiplicity of origins and different skin colours we have managed to live in peace and harmony, but families and friends are being set against each other in the name of polarised politics from the two extreme political parties" said Mike Chadstone of ICUS .
"The Third Force is said to represent tolerance and moderation as Seychelles move into a more open society" said Mr Chadstone. "People are calling for a new style of Government, a new way of doing things and not just replacing one political party by another. There is now a third choice, the Third Force and people can make up their own mind whether they wish to break the “two extremes” chains that have shackled us for 40 years or we move in a different and positive direction of stability without extremism" said Mike Chadstone.
"ICUS is already working as a team with SPM for the benefit of our beloved country and we ask everyone who wants peace and harmony to join this new Movement and support the new way we want to move forward and to cast aside the polarised politics of the past. Hopefully it will not be very long now before we can form a Government of Unity. Time to share, time to be tolerant and time to be" said Mr Chadstone.