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Indian Naval Ship consolidates bond of friendship with Seychelles through culture

Indian Naval Ship consolidates bond of friendship with Seychelles through culture






aTP-  Arab tourism portal News – INS TRIKAND is in Port Victoria in the Seychelles and it was on Tuesday the occasion for Arjun Dav Nair, the Commanding Officer of the Ship to present a Garden Bench to the Department of Culture of the Seychelles as the Ship’s Band played some favorite tunes on the steps of the National Cultural Centre. Present at the ceremony were Minister Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture, H. E. Sanjay Panda, the Indian High Commissioner accredited to Seychelles,  Mr Ramu Pillay of the Seychelles India Day Celebrations Committee, PS Benjamine Rose, the PS for Culture and members of the public and Sailors from the INS TRIKAND. 


Addressing those gathered Mr Arjun Dav Nair, the Commanding Officer of INS TRIKAND said that it was a pleasure for the Indian Navy Band to be performing for the local population. The Commanding Officer of INS TRIKAND thanked the Seychelles Authorities for the welcome accorded to the Naval Ship and also had words of thanks for Minister Alain St.Ange for being present at this event where the Indian Naval Band was entertaining the local audience with their melodious music.  After formally presenting the Garden Bench to Seychelles, the Commanding Officer of the INS TRIKAND invited Minister St.Ange of the Seychelles to address the event.




"Today we heard your Naval Band play the A. R. Rahman song "Jai Ho", which means victory. well as we welcome you all to Seychelles we can say that today for the Department of Culture we are being victorious, because having you perform here at the House of Culture we are delivering on our mission of consolidation friendship through culture. Their is no better means to spread the concept of friendship, respect and tolerance than through showcasing culture" said Minister St.Ange as he thanked Mr Arjun Dav Nair, the Commanding Officer of INS TRIKAND for the garden bench offered to the Department of Culture.


Minister Alain St.Ange accompanied by PS Benjamine Rose, H. E. Sanjay Panda and Mr Arjun Dav Nair, the Commanding Officer of INS TRIKAND then moved to unveil the garden bench before posing for souvenir photos.


The Indian Naval Band performed some delightful martial tunes as well as several English numbers and the world renowned oscar Winning Indian Composition of "Jai Ho".





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