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Caribbean Tourism Organisation and the Indian Ocean Vanilla Islands meet again in Madrid to propose meeting of member states

Caribbean Tourism Organisation and the Indian Ocean Vanilla Islands meet again in Madrid to propose meeting of member states

Almasalla Arab Travel Portal News – Carol Hay of the Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO) and Minister Alain St.Ange, the President of the Indian Ocean Vanilla Islands held a meeting in Madrid during the FITUR 2014 to discuss cooperation between the two organisations representing island states.


This is not the first meeting between the Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO) and the Indian Ocean Vanilla Islands. During World Travel Market (WTM) in London in November 2013 they had also met and exchanges notes on challenges being faced by their respective organisations.


In Madrid this week between Carol Hay and Minister St.Ange, who is also the Minister of Tourism and Culture of the Seychelles, it was agreed that it was time for member states to meet as a group and discuss together their challenges, successes and cooperation possibilities.


"We are all representing islands and we all face, in one way or another, the same concerns, challenges and preoccupation. It would be a good opportunity if we are able to meet together. We can learn from each other as we all strive to consolidate our respective tourism industry and that of our region" Minister St.Ange said.


It was proposed at the Madrid meeting between Carol Hay and minister St.Ange to consider a meeting during ITB 2014 in Berlin this coming March.

Both representatives will now see if this idea and timing could be considered as an interesting possibility.

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