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جانبى طويل

Carnival in Seychelles on the airwaves as the big day for their 2016 edition gets closer






aTP-  Arab tourism portal- The Seychelles annual carnival is set to be officially opened on the 22 April and as the dates gets closer the excitement in the country is growing.


Last Tuesday and Wednesday Minister Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture accompanied by Sherin Naiken, the CEO of the Tourism Board were guests on Radio Seychelles with presenter Marie-Claude Dunienville for an afternoon prime time program that catches everyone as they are heading home form work.


That same evening Minister St.Ange and Terry Carolla, the carnival’s main for this year were on the popular NEWS EXTRA TV program with the program’s anchorman Michael Payet. On Wednesday Minister St.Ange was again of Paradise FM Radio Program with popular DJ and Radio Programer and Presenter Owen Hoareau .








"The airwaves blitz was to sensitize the Seychelles about the coming carnival" said Minister St.Ange.  This coming weekend Victoria will be seeing carnival decorations put up in Victoria as the events brochures are now being delivered to hotels and guest houses to ensure visitors to the islands come out to enjoy the three days of fun.


The Seychelles Tourism Board have confirmed that some 22 International Delegations are set to descend on Seychelles followed by some 125 media houses for the 2016 edition of the Carnaval International de Victoria in Seychelles.


The event is this year will see France send there carnival to walk alongside the popular carnivals from Brazil, Notting Hill of London, Italy, Indonesia and Dusseldorf & Cologne of Germany.


These carnival delegations will be followed by cultural troupes from countries of the Community of Nations who are using their culture to promote themselves in the world of Tourism.


La Reunion Island and South Africa are this year joining with Seychelles as co-organisers of the carnival.  




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