aTP- Arab tourism portal News- The President and Secretary General of the newly formed Seychelles Labor Union, having been prompted by some Nurses and Health Care Assistants workers were received by the Minister of Health, Mr. Jean-Paul Adam at his Seychelles Hospital Offices of Tuesday morning the 10th March.
The topic discussed was the dissatisfaction by a group of Nurses, Health Care Assistants and other Health Practitioners with their working conditions. The unionists were informed and reassured that the schemes of service of the Nurses were being reviewed in an attempt to improve and upgrade the conditions of services.
Both parties were in agreement that the review of the terms and conditions of the plight of the Nurses should be one that is holistic to also take in consideration Health Care Assistants, other associated health support staff physiotherapists, laboratory technicians, ambulance drivers and others rather than focusing exclusively on nurses. The unionists addressed the need to see gratuities and or bonuses included in the revised packages and also for the Health Ministry to undertake a study of existing staff and their length of service to have their experience on the job counted for increments as well as short courses followed for specific department responsibilities be compensated by increments.
The Unionists implored Minister Adam to understand the demand by Government Workers to see a move away from DPA to their respective Ministries. They are after a DPA responsible for policies and the Ministries to take over job and performance assessments and having the final say on promotions, increments and postings. The Minister explained that certain increments were already planned for nurses and health care assistants in January 2018. But that there would also be a phased approach to address some of the other concerns while also working on improved schemes for allied health workers, doctors and other health professionals.
Minister Adam agreed to meet Mr St.Ange and Mr Sinon again in the near future.
The SLU President and Secretary General confirmed that they also met with some very worried stevedores workers who informed them that they have overheard that the Spanish purse seiners will stop fishing at the beginning of November 2017. Their worry is that as casual workers, the Stevedore Workers may see no job opportunities at a time just before the festive season when they are expected to also make a special effort to bring home that little bit extra to meet the expected expenses.
As casual workers they have no safety net to alleviate a circumstance that is entirely out of their sphere of influence. The situation needs to be anticipated and the expected adverse consequences mitigated.
The Seychelles Labor Union awaits the Union Registrar with the registration forms to formally register. They have been informed that they will be available in the coming week.