Seychelles President James Alix Michel receiving congratulatory messages from world leaders following second round election victory
aTP- Arab tourism portal- Following the victory of President James Alix Michel in the run off general election in December 2015, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Transport has received and continues to receive multiple congratulatory messages from various nations, organisations and individuals which are transmitted to the President of the Republic.
To date from the beginning of the year, the Heads of State and Heads of Government of the following nations have expressed their congratulations to the Republic of Seychelles and to President James Alix Michel are:
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Federative Republic of Brazil
French Republic
Hellenic Republic (Greece)
Kingdom of Morocco
Kingdom of Spain
People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria
People’s Republic of China
Russian Federation
Republic of India
Republic of Indonesia
Republic of Mauritius
Republic of Palau
Sovereign Military Hospitalier Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta
State of Israel
Below are excerpts of some of the Note Verbal received from various foreign dignitaries:
President of the Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Maithripala Sirisena:
“It gives me great pleasure in extending to Your Excellency my warm congratulations and sincere best wishes on your re-election as the President of the Republic of Seychelles …”
“.Your Excellency’s electoral victory is a clear manifestation of the confidence which the people of Seychelles have reposed in your visionary leadership and ability to steer the country to greater heights.”
“Both our countries enjoy cordial relations and as island nations in the Indian Ocean, our two countries need to enhance cooperation at the bilateral and multilateral for a to face future challenges”
President of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff:
“I congratulate you Your Excellency for your re-election to the Presidency of the Republic of Seychelles and renew my willingness to work for deepening the bilateral relations between our countries…”
Président de la République Française, Francois Hollande:
“A l’occasion de votre réélection à la Présidence de la République des Seychelles, je suis heureux de vous addresser, en mon nom personnel et au nom du people français, mes chaleureuses félicitations, ansi que tous mes voeux de succès dans votre mission….”
“ Ce nouveau mandat nous donnera, à n’en pas douter, l’occasion de prolonger le dialogue si fructueux que nous avons noué lors de votre visite officielle en France l’an dernier. J’ai en particulier à coeur d’approfondir les relations d’amitié et de coopération que nos deux pays entretiennent dans l’océan Indien.”
“En ce qui concerne le changement climatique, l’accord de Paris marque une étape historique fondée sur un texte à la fois ambitieux et équilibre……je souhaite que nos deux pays continuent à travailler main dans la main à la mise en oeuvre de cet accord.”
President of the Hellenic Republic, Prokoplos V. Pavlopoulos:
“On the occasion of your re-election as President of the Republic of Seychelles, I would like to extend to your Excellency. On behalf of the people of Greece and on my own behalf, my warmest congratulations and very best wishes for success in your high mission as well as for the progress and prosperity of the people of Seychelles.
Government of the Kingdom of Spain:
Spain congratulates the people an the authorities of Seychelles for the Presidential elections that were held… and especially President James Michel for his re-election”
The Government of Spain wishes to President Michel every success in his mandate for the benefit of the people and for keeping the excellent relations between Spain and the Republic of Seychelles.”
President of People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping:
“On the occasion of your taking office again as President of the Republic Seychelles, I would like to extend the warmest congratulations and best wishes to your Excellency in my own name and also on behalf of the Government and people of the PRC…” I believe, under your leadership, the Seychelles Government and the people will make bigger achievements in the process of building and developing the country..”
“The traditional friendship between China and Seychelles has a long history… I will continue to work together with you to push forward the bilateral friendly cooperation in various sectors for the benefit of both our countries and two people..”
President of the Russian Federation. Vladimir Putin:
“…Please accept my sincere congratulations on your re-election for the President of the Republic of Seychelles. I am convinced that the traditional friendly Russian-Seychelles relations will continue to develop for the benefit of our people and in the interest of strengthening regional stability and security…”
Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi:
“My heartfelt congratulations on your re-election as the President of the Republic of Seychelles for a historic third term. This is a vindication of the faith the people of Seychelles have in your leadership. I also commend the people of Seychelles for an enthusiastic and successful conduct of the electoral process that reinforces their democratic values.
“…I admire your personal commitment to the partnership between India and Seychelles. Our deliberations and decisions during my visit to your beautiful country… have taken our engagement to an even higher level…”
“I look forward to working with you on further strengthening our strategic partnership in the entire range of areas, including Blue Economy and maritime security, for the progress and prosperity of our peoples…”
President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo:
“The Government and people of the Republic of Indonesia join me in conveying to you our best wishes and sincere congratulations upon your reelection as President of the President of Seychelles…”
“I have every belief that the outstanding bilateral relationship and cooperation between Indonesia and Seychelles will be further enhanced in strength during Your Excellency’s term of office.”
Prime Minister of the Republic of Mauritius, Anerood Jugnauth:
“I am very pleased to convey to you, on behalf of the Government and People of the Republic of Mauritius and in my own name, my sincere congratulations on your re-election as President of the Republic of Seychelles.. This is a testimony of the renewed confidence that the People of Seychelles have placed in your capacity to lead the destiny of your country.”
“Seychelles has once again demonstrated its attachment to the principles of democracy through he peaceful, orderly and transparent manner in which the elections were conducted.”
“Your third mandate at the helm of the Government of Seychelles will be an opportunity, I am sure, to continue the work that you started and which has contributed to the political and economic stability of Seychelles.”