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Germany marks their day of unity in Seychelles

Germany marks their day of unity in Seychelles




Almasalla,Gate Arab Tourism News- Ambassador Andreas Peschke, the German Ambassador accredited to Seychelles hosted a dinner at the Hilton Northolme Hotel at Glacis to mark the "Day of German Unity". The dinner was attended by Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture, Ambassador Maurice Loustau-Lalanne, the PS for Foreign Affairs, Members of the Diplomatic Corp as well as Kerstin Henri, the German Honorary Consul for Seychelles and Members of the island’s German Community.

Addressing the dinner function Ambassador Andreas Peschke said that he was happy to see Germany as the main source market for the tourism industry of Seychelles. He also congratulated the marketing drive undertaken by Seychelles at the ITB Tourism Trade Fair in Berlin. The German Ambassador emphasised the good relationship that existed between the two countries and spoke about the continued calls in Port Victoria by German Ships.

When he delivered his address on behalf of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister Alain St.Ange said that he was delighted at having the opportunity to join the local German contingent to celebrate the ‘Unification of Germany’ and the veritable birth of the Federal Republic of Germany. "As such it gives me the greatest honour to extend to you, on behalf of the President of the Republic of Seychelles, as well as the people of our country, our warmest congratulations" said Minister St.Ange.  


The Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture went on to say: " Seychelles and Germany, over the years, shared good relations with noteworthy instances in the field of maritime security, which has been of particular importance to Seychelles as well as tourism, which has seen increased growth in terms of exchanges overtime.

As Minister for Tourism it gave me the greatest joy to see Dusseldorf participate in the last edition of our International Carnival, and also note the success of the exchange programme signed between Cuxhaven Hotel School and the Seychelles Tourism Academy, but above all, the greatest joy has been to note the high tourist arrivals from Germany, which have placed your country firmly at the top of rankings for tourism in Seychelles.

 Additionally, Seychelles has benefitted greatly from short as well as long term training courses in Germany as well as from military training opportunities that have contributed greatly to enhancing the capabilities of our armed forces.


 It is my hope to see relations between Seychelles and Germany continue to grow over the coming years" Minister Alain St.Ange said before proposing a toast to day marking the Unification of the Federal Republic of Germany, to fruitful relations shared between the two countries and to the desire to further build on what has been achieved.




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