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Seychelles Tourism Academy commits to open more doors for its workers

Seychelles Tourism Academy commits to open more doors for its workers

Almasalla, Gate Arab Ttourism News -The Seychelles Tourism Academy is on the right track of upholding the policy of its parent Ministry, the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, to take its professional workforce to new heights for self empowerment.

In its move to embrace new waves of teaching and prepare its workforce for the opening of the new Tourism Academy, Flavien Joubert, the Principal of the Seychelles Tourism Academy gave his blessing for three of his in-service staff to proceed on overseas attachment and to continue learning. Marion Etienne, head of Academic Program, left Seychelles on Monday 8th September for a three months attachment in China Hebei Tourism Academy College.

In 2013, the Seychelles Tourism Academy signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Hebei Tourism Academy College paving the way for 24 Chinese students to undertake an internship in Seychelles tourism establishments.

In exchange the Seychelles Tourism Academy sent Marion Etienne to China on a professional attachment to experience the college teaching in its language laboratories for Foreign Students.


Hebei College with an intake of 12,000 students is an excellent reference point where the Seychelles Tourism Academy can continue to benefit from best teaching practices of language laboratories.

Michel Athanase with six years experience at the Seychelles Tourism Academy as Residence Manager left Seychelles Wednesday 10th September for Harbin University in North East China.

Michel Athanase will be attached for one month at the University for Management course. The Seychelles Tourism Academy believes these exchanges are incentives for its staff to develop their professional performance and deliver the same level of teaching entailed in an international reputed Tourism Academy.


Both Marion Etienne and Michel Athanase are convinced their experience will become great assets to the Seychelles Tourism Academy.

Brigitte Joubert, Head of Hospitality Management Course ( ADHM) is on her part making a giant leap forward in her professional skills. Brigitte Joubert has benefited with a government’s Master scholarship in sustainable tourism planning.

Brigitte Joubert is due to leave Seychelles during the course of the month for Bournemouth University in United Kingdom, where she will spend a year to validate her Masters.


The first degree holder in Tourism and Geography said sustainable tourism is a course presently offered as an Advance Diploma and Hospitality Management and takes up to 3 years.
She claims the Master degree will “complement her teaching at Seychelles Tourism Academy". Prior to their departure, Flavien Joubert, the Principal of Seychelles Tourism Academy accompanied the three workers for a farewell call on Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture.

At the meeting in the presence of the PS for Tourism Anne Lafortune and Mr Flavien Joubert, the Principal of the Tourism Academy,  Minister St.Ange addressed Marion Etienne, Michel Athanase and Brigitte Joubert saying that it was important for the country to open new doors of opportunity for self empowerment of its workers.


“ These attachments and studies will open up your mind to new ways of thinking’’ said Minister St.Ange.

The Minister added that the Ministry will ensure upon completion of their courses that these 3 workers will be given new incentives in their employment at the Tourism Academy.



“When you come back we will make it our duty to move you up the ladder and help you achieve new heights. The Seychelles Tourism Academy needs to continuously have such refresher attachment periods for its dedicated staff and it needs to continue to encourage staff to undertake further studies. Today I say congratulations to the three of you because of your dedication to the students and to our Tourism Academy you have been chosen to broaden your horizon’’ Minister St.Ange said.

Congratulating Flavien Joubert for upholding the Ministry of Tourism and Culture’s strategy to seek “brighter horizons” for staff empowerment, Minister St.Ange said his vision should be an example for top Managers of the Ministry.



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